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[No Spoilers] DAI - Party based on banter length

I got curious which party composition has the most banter. So i did some math. My calculations didn't took into account any DLCs banter as far as I'm aware. My calculation also don't reflect quality of the banter. It just shows which party variation has the most interaction time-wise in a base game. I did it based on Youtube videos, which have banter compilation and I put my trust into the time-stamps. So my results may be a bit off, but generally they paint an accurate picture. So I figured I share my results, in case anyone was curious about it as well :) All in all I was suprised that most compositions seem to be rather well-balanced in terms of total banter time per party.
To make it easy for myself I wasn't writing down whole names, so here's a bit of help if you need it to read my results: Dorian - D, Cole - C, Varric - V, Solas - S, Sera - Sera, Iron Bull - IB, Blackwall - B, Cassandra - Cas, Vivienne - Viv. And here's the list itself. It goes from most banter to the least. The number represent total minutes of banter between members of party.
Edit: Added some missing parties.
submitted by tiasea to dragonage [link] [comments]

[DAI spoilers] [DAO spoilers] Courtly Love / Minne is a thing among human nobles in Thedas

Hey everyone,
I read a master thesis about medieval hero epics and their reception in modern fantasy. In the chapter about societal ideas and structures that are sometimes used in world-building, the author mentioned both Alistair and Cassandra and the medieval courtly love concept.
She argues that while the complexity of Courtly Love is greatly reduced, there are some aspects of it woven into the DA universe, reconditioned and modernized, but nonetheless noticeable.

Rough translation by me:
Lady Penthagast is [...] the epitome of a modern, self-determined woman. As a result of her upbringing at court, however, she is shaped by traditional ideas. For her, it is self-evident that a man must render her services in the right way. This corresponds exactly to the basic constellation of courtly, literary-propagated minne/courtly love relations [...] She demands service from the inquisitor, in a very similar way as Sigune demands it from Schiontulander in Titurel.
The author addresses the fact that the idea of Minne is formulated rather vaguely in DAO, but is also present, and continues to write:
[...] the chivalrous Alistair knows about the necessity of the right way to woo a noble woman, and he wants to keep to it. However, he is not so sure because of his insecurity when dealing with women [...] and therefore asks the female heroine in a conversation about her expectations of him.
(Holzer, A.M. (2017): Digitale Heldengeschichten / Digital Hero Stories, pp.124-126. Chapter: Aspects of courtly social ideals. Minne and Minne service in Dragon Age)

I’d like to add this
And, since the English wikipedia article heavily focuses on the time Courtly Love was all the rage in romance novels (yes, Cas, thinking about you), I’d like to add an excerpt from the German wikipedia article, because the focus there is different - on the earlier period of the courtly love concept, and because the author of the thesis explicitely referenced Minne:
In the early and high Middle Ages, the term Minne was generally used to denote positive mental and emotional attention, "friendly remembrance", and was used for the relationship of people to God and for relationships between people in social, charitable, friendly, erotic and sexual terms. Particularly characteristic for the courtly culture of the High Middle Ages was the thematization of one aspect in particular: social interaction and the emotional-erotic relationship between men and women. This side of Minne, which largely coincides with the present-day idea of (gender) love, became a central theme in poetry (Minnesang) and epic poetry (courtly novel) in Germany from 1170 onwards. In this process, Minne was stylized into an ideal of Platonic love, which above all meant the steadfast chivalrous service for a lady, submission to her will, and solicitation for her favor (so-called High Minne). Especially in the 12th to 14th centuries, Minne referred to this "fin'amors" or "amour courtois" (courtly, noble love) of the Romanesque-style knightly culture.
Translated with (free version).

Now, back to Alistair and the female warden and Cass and the male Inquisitor: What do you think? Did you notice? I didn’t. I didn’t even draw a connection between their behaviours. I never studied medieval literature or history but used to love both in school and read the thesis just for kicks and was super surprised. I’d also love to see whether someone sees parallels to any other medieval love stories (since „Titurel“ is a story I never heard about, like, ever).
The author argues a few other interesting things. In case you are a fellow redditor, dear Ms Holzer, hats off to you!
Wasn't sure whether to mark this as theiry/lore or discussion btw.
submitted by NamEEsTi to dragonage [link] [comments]

2 Girls 1 Boy [CANADA]

Cassandra turns 10 on Christmas. She's a creator. She loves to animate, draw, paint, build and write to bring her imagination to life. Cass knows how to relax and loves to curl up with a book and a cup of tea at the end of a long day.
Cyrus is 6 and he's the deep thinker in the family. He's often busy making digital art creations and struggles to purge art when he's filled his file storage. He will talk your ear off about all he knows about every video game he's ever encountered.
Miranda is a cheerful 2 year old who is just starting to talk. She will draw on any surface she can and has made it necessary to hide all crayons and markers. She loves animals, solving puzzles and pretending to be a ferocious dinosaur.
submitted by SesameLoris to stressfreexmas [link] [comments]

Some various quirks and oddities from Libra of Soul (Spoilers, just in case)

My apologies if this has been done before, but there's a bunch of interesting oddities or other unique things about some characters that you encounter in Libra of Soul, so I thought I'd list the ones I've noticed here, for those that like this sort of thing.
As a bonus, here are a couple of non-Libra of Soul things you might not have noticed:
There's probably more I could think up and write about. SC is one of my favorite series of all time, and I've spent a lot of time just sorta looking over some of the finer details like character voices and animations, but I'll leave this here, at least for now. Hopefully some of you found this stuff interesting, I kinda had fun putting this together, even if it's just a bulleted text post.
submitted by Oboe-Shoes to SoulCalibur [link] [comments]

[FANG Interview Question] Design pipeline and database for group chat like discord

Got asked this during an interview and was stump a bit. Basically the interviewer wants me to develop a distributed chat system like discord that supports (send message, get message whenever anyone in the group send a message, delete a message and search a message)
First I need to choose a database, this is probably one of the part that i screw up
originally i thought AP systems like aerospike or cassandra is inherently faster than CA system, but when the interviewer ask me why, I can't substantiate my claim, my answer was that waiting for consistency (getting the most recent data) makes it slow, but now i think about it, maybe i should bring up write locks as well (Mysql have write lock while AP systems don't because they don't need to? I think aerospike have internal queue and generation so you can perform CAS)
essentially what i opt for is
  1. availability, the system always retrieves data (i want the system to always work) but the data might not be the most recent write
  2. partition tolerence, the system is still available during network partition, but the behavior might be undefined after network rejoined (potential loss of data) this is because i think its ok to loose data in group chat but not loose the entire functionality (system is down)
  3. write speed and read latest speed, i want the system to be as fast as possible for all writes and for recent reads (group chat doesn't access history often), and i believe mysql is slower due to write locks, and as more chat message comes in removing old chats to new table might locks the index tree
what i end up choosing is cassandra/aerospike (AP system in general) however I am not very familiar with either of these in production setting which might be why the interviewer is unsatisfied with this choice.
The next is schema design, since I prioritize write and recent read speed (due to how people use chat in general)
Here is my schema that I end up choosing
primary table (partition by time)
PRIMARY KEY: group_chat_id, chat_id , user_id, time_slot_id VALUE: message (str) 
secondary indexes (partition by time)
group_chat_id -> PRIMARY KEY LIST user_id -> PRIMARY KEY LIST 
Essentially each table is partition by time which mean that any time_slot that is older than n hours will be move to another table or a new table will be created, and I think this is where I am totally WRONG.
I assumed that AP systems have similar behavior to elasticsearch (index compaction) now that I read more I realize that this may not be true, so partition by time is a dumb move because if you have n servers, only 1 server will be accessed, basically all latest data will go to one server, which is not what I want, what I really want is the ability of keep creating new table as we write more and more message, so that new message will only write in new table and most read will read in that new table. because if I read a message client is most likely gonna ask the most recent message anyway, so I don't have to go through all these other old tables.
but I was wrong because not only does aerospike and cassandra have table/set(aerospike naming) limits it doesn't support compaction the way I think it does (it only delete stale data aerospike:expiration, cassandra:tombstone)
futhermore since i already have primary key, the term partition by time really really confused the discussion since for aerospike set (aerospike table) the table is partition by primary key anyway.
perhaps what I should do is duplicate the write to two tables? TABLE_NEW have lower expiration and TABLE_ALL has all data, which make me think that I have the wrong idea because should I just use a distributed cache instead (perhaps I don't want to because cache are volatile so if server is down you loose the data permenantly and have to read from TABLE_ALL?)
secondary index in cassandra and aerospike doesn't work like mysql where it returns all rows matching the index. essentially you have to maintain the secondary index yourself if you want key -> list of stuff. i am not sure if this is even a good idea but aerospike do have native list type (but i am unsure about the trade off of using this list type)
primary table (partition by primary key)
PRIMARY KEY: group_chat_id, chat_id , user_id, time_slot_id VALUE: message (str) 
secondary indexes
group_chat_id -> PRIMARY KEY LIST (what if there is big chat group with millions of message? should TABLE_ALL have index group_chat_id:date instead?) user_id -> PRIMARY KEY LIST 
The access pattern part is completely wrong due to wrong assumption of compaction in AP system and secondary index behavior, so I am going to use the TABLE_NEW and TABLE_ALL methodology instead of partition by time methodology and just assume that I maintaining another table for those secondary indexes.
SCENARIO 1: new member join
 select everything from TABLE_NEW where group_chat_id matches Note: this ONLY get all recent chats, older chat must be accessed through TABLE_ALL 
SCENARIO 2: existing member send chat to everyone
 write: write to both TABLE_NEW and TABLE_ALL read: we can poll db every n seconds (this is where I think I am wrong because this creates unnessary loads due to quiet group_chats) what I should have done is design a queue system that either sends the client message or notify the client there is message so that the client don't have to access db every single time 
SCENARIO 3: delete
this is another place I am stuck, I either need to make the value a complex schema itself or have another index structure that tracks the chat_id that got deleted (can I consider using filter predicate functionality in aerospike on meta timestamp?) 
SCENARIO 4: search (how do you even do this?)
should i have use elastic search instead or at least supplement with elastic search? 
I apologize if this is a wall of text but i feel that if I havn't work on a chat production system or AP databases its really hard to get the knowledge of how to build one so if anyone can give me some pointers to see if I am in the right direction that would be super awesome.
submitted by pajab2w to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

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I researched the origins of the first name (A–L) of every contestant

I was mildly curious about all these, and because etymology (the history of word origins) has been my passion since I was in middle school—everyone needs a hobby, right?—I made this list happen.
Note: A lot of names are invented. Some of them, such as Janice, Jessica and Wendy, have prestigious origins in the works of famous authors and poets. Other names, as you'll see below, are put together by parents who simply want their children to have unique monikers. When I can't tell what a likely invented name has as its origin, I will give my best guess.
Another note: My experience is mostly with names of European and Middle Eastern origin. A handful of contestants have names that derive from the profusion of languages in sub-Saharan Africa or from those in the Indian subcontinent. I've done a fair amount of research on these, but the information I gathered is by no means exhaustive, so if you find an error or a gap in my writing, I implore you to set me straight. :)
Adam: From Hebrew ’adam, meaning “man”
Adrianne: From Latin Hadrianus, referring to a person from Hadria (today either the town of Adria or the town of Atri, both in Italy)
Aimee: From Latin amata, “loved,” the perfect participle of amare, “to love”
Alasia: Most likely a modern invention using the common suffix –asia
Alexandra, Alexandria: From Ancient Greek alexein, “to defend,” and anēr, “man.” Names with the same origin include Sandra.
Alisha, Allison, Allyssa: From an ancient Germanic name akin to Athalhaidiz, “nobleness” (compare obsolete English athelhood)
Amanda: From Latin, loosely translated as “deserving of love,” the gerundive form of amare, “to love” (compare Aimee above)
Ambreal: An invented name perhaps based on Amber
Aminat: A Nigerian name ostensibly of Arabic origin and either derived from or related to ’amīn, “trustworthy” or “honest.” Also the name of a badass sixteenth-century queen.
Amis: see Aimee above
Analeigh: A combination of Ana and Leigh. Ana derives from a Semitic root, kh-n-n, that meant “grace” (compare modern Hebrew khanun, “gracious”), while Leigh, originally a surname, derives from Old English lēah, “clearing” or “meadow.” Names with the same origin as Analeigh include Ann, Anna, Anya, and Hannah.
Anamaria: A combination of Ana (see Analeigh above) and Maria, which may ultimately derive from Middle Egyptian mrwt, “beloved”—my favorite theory—though the name’s origin is disputed. Names with the same origin as Maria include Mariah, Mirjana and Mollie (Molly).
Ann, Anna: see Analeigh above
Annaliese: A combination of Anna (see Analeigh above) and Liese, a German form of Elizabeth, which derives from Hebrew Elisheva, roughly translated as “my god is an oath.” Names with the same origin as Annaliese include Elyse, Isabella, Lisa, and Liz.
Anchal: Via Hindi from Sanskrit añcala, “the border of a garment”
Angelea, Angelia: From Ancient Greek angelos, “messenger”
Anslee: Variant of Ainsley, originally a surname that referred to either Annesley or Ansley, both of which are towns in England. The towns’ names both derive from Old English ān lēah, “solitary clearing,” or ānsetl lēah, “hermitage clearing” (compare Analeigh)
Anya: see Analeigh above
April: From Latin Aprilis, the fourth (originally second) month of the year, of uncertain origin. It may be related to the preposition ab, “from” or “after,” giving the name a meaning something like “next (month),” or it could derive from Apru, the Etruscan name for Aphrodite.
Ashley: Originally a surname deriving from Old English æsċ lēah, “ash clearing” (compare Analeigh)
Atalya: Perhaps a phonetic respelling of the Hebrew name Athaliah, “Yahweh is exalted”
Ava: From Hebrew Khava, likely related to the verb likhyot, “to live”
AzMarie: Real name is Ashley Marie (see Ashley and Anamaria above)
Bello: Spanish for “handsome,” from Latin bellus
Ben: From Hebrew Binyamin, “son of the right hand” (get your mind out of the gutter) or, by metaphor, “son of the south”
Bethany: Via Greek Bēthania from an Aramaic or Hebrew name akin to bet, “house (of),” plus a second element that may have been 'aniy, “poor”
Bianca: Italian for “white,” from Germanic (compare blank)
Binta: Possibly from Arabic bint, “daughter”
Brandy: From the name of the alcoholic beverage (yes, really), from Dutch brandewijn, literally “burnt wine” (compare brand—as in the marks on cattle—and wine)
Bre: Real name is Brittany, after the Celtic area of northwestern France (compare Breton and Britain)
Brenda, Brendi: A Scottish name possibly derived from Old Norse brandr, “sword” or “torch” (compare Brandy above)
Brita, Brittani, Brittany: see Bre above. EDIT: Brita is actually (ding!) most likely a Scandinavian cognate of Bridget, which derives from the name Brighid, from a Celtic root that meant "high" or "hill" and is distantly related to borough, barrow, burgundy, force, and Brahma.
Brooke: From brook, a type of river, from Old English brōc
Camille: From the Roman cognomen Camillus, perhaps related to camillus, “acolyte”
Candace: Via Ancient Greek from Meriotic (Cushitic) kdke, the hereditary title of the queens of what is now Ethiopia
CariDee: I tried to find an interview—any interview—in which CariDee discussed her name, but alas, I couldn’t find any. My best guess is that it’s a combination of Carrie and Dee, with the former ultimately deriving from the Germanic name Karl, meaning “man”—compare English churl—and the latter a nickname for common D-names such as Deirdre and Dorothy.
Cassandra: From Ancient Greek anēr, “man,” plus an element of uncertain origin but perhaps related to kekasmai, “to shine”
Cassie: A nickname for either Cassandra (see above) or Cassidy, an Irish patronymic surname, originally Ó Caiside, from Irish Gaelic cas, “twisted” or “curly”
Catherine, Catie: From Ancient Greek Aikaterinē, a name of disputed origin. My favorite theory is that the name is related to that of the witch goddess Hecate, but there’s not a ton of evidence for that. The name does not, however, mean “pure”; that’s just folk etymology, which is when two unrelated words (in this case, Aikaterinē and katharos, “pure”—compare catharsis) are assumed to be related just because they sound similar, like island and isle or adult and adultery. Names with the same origin as Catherine include Kahlen, Kara, Kari, Kasia, Katarzyna, Kathleen, Kathy, Katie, and Kayla.
Celia: From the Latin cognomen Caelius, from caelum, “sky” or “heaven”
Chantal, Chantelle: Via French from Old Occitan cantal, “stone,” from Latin canthus, “circle”
Chelsey: From the name of the district in London, from Old English cealc, “chalk,” and hȳth, “harbor”
Cherish: From the English verb, from Old French chierir, “to hold dear”
Chlea: Probably a variant of Cleo, from Ancient Greek kleos, “fame”
Chris, Christian, Christina: Ultimately from Ancient Greek khristos, “anointed”
Claire: French form of Clara, from Latin clarus, “clear.” Names with the same origin include Kiara.
Clark: A goddamn final e doesn't make a difference, FYI. From a surname related to cleric and clerk, from Latin clericus, “priest.”
Cody: From the Irish patronymic surname Ó Cuidighthigh, related to Irish Gaelic cuidigh, “help”
Cory: From an Old Norse name, Kóri, of uncertain meaning
CoryAnne: see Analeigh and Cory above
Coryn: From Ancient Greek korē, “girl” or “maiden”
Coura: Real name is Shantelle (see Chantal above). I’m not sure what Coura could mean, but it could be a variant of Cora (see Coryn above). EDIT: This could be relevant.
Courtney: From Courtenay, a commune in France, the name of which derives from Latin curtus, “short”
Dalya: Similar to Atalya above, my guess is that the name is also a phonetic respelling of a Hebrew name: Dalyah, meaning “tendril” or “hanging branch.” Alternatively, it could be a phonetic respelling of Dahlia, from the name of a flower that was named after the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl.
Danielle: From the Hebrew name Daniyel, meaning “my judge is god”
Darian: Uncertain, but it may be an elaborated form of Darius, Darren, or Dorian
Delanie: Respelling of Delaney, which is both an English and an Irish surname. The English version derives from Old French del alnage, “of the alder grove” (compare modern French de l’aulnaie), and the Irish counterpart, originally Ó Dubhshláine, comes from Irish Gaelic dubh, “black” or “dark,” and Sláine, the river Slaney.
Denzel: From the name of a location in Cornwall, England
Destiny: From the English word, which ultimately derives from Latin destinare, “to fasten”
Devin: Similar to Delanie above, it is both an English and an Irish surname. The English surname derives from Old French divin, “divine,” while the Irish counterpart is Anglicized from both Ó Damháin and Ó Dubháin, which respectively come from damhán, “small ox,” and dubh, “black” or “dark” (again, see Delanie above)
Diana, Diane: From the name of the Roman goddess of the moon and hunting, ultimately from an Indo-European root that meant “sky” or “god” (compare deity, diurnal, divine, journal, Jupiter, Tuesday, and Zeus)
Dionne: A feminine short form of Dionysos, the Greek god of wine and revelry, of the same origin as Diana above
Dominique: Via French from Latin dominicus, “of the lord” (compare various Romance words for “Sunday”: dimanche, domenica, domingo, etc.)
Don: From Irish Gaelic Domhnall, from Old Irish domun, “world,” and fal, “lord” (compare Irish Gaelic domhan and flaith)
Dustin: Originally a surname derive from Old Norse Thórsteinn, “Thor’s stone”
Eboni, Ebony: Ultimately from Middle Egyptian hbny, with the same meaning
Elina: From Ancient Greek Helenē, perhaps meaning “torch” but of unclear origin
Elyse: see Annaliese above
Erin: Anglicized spelling of Éireann, genitive of Éire, “Ireland”
Esther: From one of the following: the Akkadian goddess Ishtar; the Median word astra, “myrtle”; or the Classical Persian word sitāra, “star”
Eugena: From Ancient Greek Eugenēs, “well born” (compare eulogy and genetics)
Eva: see Ava above
Fatima: An Arabic name referring to a baby who has been weaned
Felicia, Fo: From Latin felix, “lucky”
Furonda: Probably an invented name based on the common suffix –onda
Gabrielle: From Hebrew Gavri’el, “my strong man is god,” from gever, “man” or “strong man,” plus the possessive suffix –iy, and ’El, “god” (compare Danielle above)
Giah: Ultimately from Hebrew Yokhanan, “Yahweh is gracious,” from yo–, a contracted form of Yahweh (compare Atalya above), and khanun, “gracious” (compare Analeigh above). Names with the same origin as Giah include Ivana, Jaclyn, Jane, Janet, Jenah, Jessie, Jiana, Joanie, Nina, Sheena, and Yoanna.
Gina: A pet form for names such as Eugenia, Georgina, Luigina, Regina, and Virginia, among many others
Giselle: Via French from a Germanic root reconstructed as *gīslaz, which meant “hostage”
Hadassah: From Hebrew hadas, “myrtle tree”
Hannah: see Analeigh above
Heather: From the name of the plant, of dialectal Scottish English origin
India: From the name of the country, which was derived from the river Indus, from Sanskrit síndhu, “river”
Isabella: see Annaliese above. EDIT: Her real name is Kelly Marie; see Anamaria above and Kelle below.
Isis: Via Ancient Greek, from the name of the Egyptian goddess, originally pronounced something like ist. The name may be related to the word for “throne,” nst, as the hieroglyph for “throne” is included in several renderings of the name Isis.
Ivana: see Giah above
Ivy: From the name of the plant, of Old English origin
Jaclyn: see Giah above
Jade, Jaeda: From the name of the stone, via French from Spanish piedra de ijada, “flank stone,” with ijada derived from Latin īlia, “intestines”
Jael: From Hebrew ya‘el, “ibex”
Jane, Janet: see Giah above
Jaslene: I’m guessing that it’s a slight variation of Jasmine, which comes from the name of the plant, from Persian yâsaman
Jasmia: I’m also guessing that it’s a variation of Jasmine (see Jaslene above)
Jayla: A combination of Jay, a nickname for names beginning with j, and the common suffix –la
Jeana: Either a variant spelling of Gina (see above) or an elaboration of Jean (see Giah above)
Jenah: Originally a pet form of Jane (see Giah above), but used more often today as a nickname for Jennifer, a Cornish form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar, “white spirit” (compare penguin, literally "white head")
Jenascia: An invented name. Jenascia said in an interview that it was a combination of her grandmothers’ names, but I couldn’t find any mention of them. However, Jenascia is from Burien, a city in King County, Washington, and there was a woman named Jenetta Chakos who died in King County at the age of 59, so that might be Jenascia’s paternal grandmother.
Jennifer, Jennipher (sigh): see Jenah above
Jeremy: From Hebrew Yirmiyahu, “Yahweh will exalt,” from y’romem, “(he) will raise,” plus –yahu, a contracted form of Yahweh (compare Atalya above)
Jessica: Invented by Shakespeare but probably based on the name Iscah, of uncertain etymology
Jessie, Jiana, Joanie: see Giah above; Jessie also tends to be a modern nickname for Jessica (see above)
Joslyn: Via French from Old High German Gauta, “Goth”
Jourdan: Respelling of Jordan, the name of the Levantine river, from Hebrew yarad (infinitive laredet), “to descend”
Julie: From Latin Iūlius, perhaps a contraction of Iovilius, “of Jove/Jupiter,” from the same root as Diana above
Justin, Justine: From Latin iūstus, “just” or “lawful”
Kacey: From an Irish surname, Ó Cathasaigh, from cathaiseach, “vigilant”
Kahlen: see Catherine above
Kanani: From Hawaiian, “the beauty.” EDIT: Her real name is Bianca; see above.
Kara, Kari, Kasia, Katarzyna, Kathleen, Kathy, Katie, Kayla: see Catherine above
Keenyah: I couldn’t find anything on this one. EDIT: It may be an elaboration of the name Kenya, but further research is required.
Keith: Originally a surname, possibly from a Celtic root meaning “wood” (compare Welsh coed)
Kelle: Originally an Irish surname, Ó Ceallaigh, that is traditionally held to be related to geal, “white” or “bright”
Kendal: Originally an English surname referring to a person from Kendale, England, the name of which derives from the river Kent, plus dale (as in “valley”)
Kesse: Uncertain. I thought at first that it was a respelling of Kizzy, which is a nickname of Keziah (from Hebrew Q’tziyah, the cassia tree), but then I found a Ghanaian (male) singer with that name, and while that may just be a coincidence, I wouldn’t rule it out yet.
Khrystyana: see Chris above
Kiara: see Claire above
Kim, Kimberly: From the names of several villages in England, all of which derive from Old English lēah, “clearing” (compare Analeigh above), plus given names such as Cynebald (“royal and bold”), Cyneburga (“royal city”), and Cynemær (“royal and famous”)
Kortnie: see Courtney above (sigh)
Krislian: Possibly an elaboration of Chris (see above), perhaps influenced by Leanne, a combination of Lee and Anne (for both, see Analeigh above; Analeigh is the same name as Leanne, but with the elements reversed)
Krista, Kristi, Kristin: see Chris above
Kyla, Kyle: From Irish Gaelic caol, “strait” or, more generally, “slender part”
Lacey: Originally a surname referring to a person from Lassy, a commune in Normandy
Laura: From Latin laurus, “laurel tree”
Lauren, Lauren Brie: From Latin Laurentius, indicating a person from the ancient city of Laurentum, the name of which was derived from laurus (see Laura above). Brie comes from Irish brí, “strength” or “vigor.”
Leah: One theory derives it from the Hebrew word le’eh, “weary,” but I prefer the theory that it is connected to a Semitic root that means “cow”—and, more important, “strength” by extension
Leila: From Arabic layla, “night,” or perhaps instead from laylā, “intoxication,” of the same root as layla
Lenox: Originally a surname referring to someone from Lennox, a region of Scotland. The original Scottish name for the area is Leamhnachd (pronounced “lyau-nukhk”), which derives from Old Irish lem achad, either “field of the soft (stream)” or “field of elm.”
Leslie: From a surname that derived from Irish Gaelic lios, “ring” or “enclosed space,” and cuileann, “holly.” EDIT: Her real name is Alejandra; see Alexandra above.
Lexie: see Alexandra above
Liberty: From the English word, from Latin lībertās
Lisa, Liz: see Annaliese above
Lluvy: Short for Lluviana, which I believe comes from Spanish lluvia, “rain,” though I would need a definitive source for this
London: Real name is Lauren (see above)
Louise: Via French and Latin from either Frankish or Old High German *Hlōdowīg, from the Germanic elements *hlūdaz, “loud” or “famous,” and *wīga, “battle”
Lulu: A German diminutive of names that begin with Lu–; often a nickname for Luise (see Louise above)
Final note: Sources include and, among others (e.g., foreign language dictionaries). I'll post names M–Z once I have the time to put the research together.
submitted by Double-Parked_TARDIS to ANTM [link] [comments]

A lucid case

Before I was born, my mother wanted to abort me. My father barely convinced her not to.
By the time I was 3 months old she was gone, voluntarily giving up parental rights because she wanted to have more fun. The only contact I received was in videos sent on birthdays and Christmas, in which she couldn't even look at the camera when she said "I love you" and served only as a reminder that, unlike every other child I knew, my mother had left. I asked her to stop when I was about 5. She later passed when I was 16, having never contributed a penny toward my raising and removing the possibility of getting an answer to "Why?" from her.
I ended up living with my father, grandmother, grandfather, and uncle with frequent visits from my cousins. The area in which I grew up was devoid of other children, I had no friends, no playmates. I spent my days on the back porch building things in my sandbox. I have a vivid memory of my first day of pre-k and finding that nobody would play with me, so I just drove around on a big wheel for a while.
At 4 years old I was molested by my cousin, she was holding me down kissing me and touching my penis. I don't have clear memories, but there are flashes and I was told about it after the fact because she was caught while doing it.
Throughout primary school I went to a catholic school called Christ the King, there were fewer than 40 kids per class, and I was the omega because I was a fat child, and was viciously bullied because of it, both endless verbal and physical. One time the children in the class conspired with one girl for her to fake that she suddenly "liked" me. When I reacted with skepticism the class began mocking me, and following me. they all ganged up on me that recess as I was trying to just leave and be alone, until one of them snuck behind me and knelt down, then another pushed me, knocking me into the muddy field. the whole class cheered.
Both cousins stop coming around by the time I'm about 7 or 8
My father is Bi, and before this point he for some reason thinks I haven't figured it out. he is a catholic deacon, finally tells me around age 9. I don't really care, but it plays into things later.
My grandfather has a severe stroke when I am 11, and I end up being the primiary caregiver, changing diapers, administering medications, giving haircuts. the works.
When I am 13 my grandmother's mental state has similarly deteriorated due to cllusters of tumors in her brain. she turns from being sweet and kindly to vindictive and abusive, both verbally and physically, on a dime. I end up also having to change diapers, give haircuts, administer meds and deal with a shunt that was put in her stomach as well. Before it becomes clear that she is no longer there, she kicked out my uncle because he smoked some weed in his attic apartment.
My father got into a car accident that took out of his chosen profession of car sales, went through several years of unemployment, and while my grandmother was in the hospital began making advances at the couple of friends of mine who lived in the area. He ended up having sex with them, flagrantly. it was "consensual" and my friends insisted it was no big deal, so I lived with it. Eventually as those friends moved further away going to visit them or pick them up so we could play became contingent on whether or not there was going to be anything in it for him. He had a lot of issues. This continues through my time in high school, and I had eventually stopped bringing people home entirely between the rooms that smelled like sick old people and what my father was doing. Because my father never knew how and my grandmother no longer could, I start doing the bills around this time as best I can.
Eventually the money ran out and I had to go to public school for a couple of years of middle school.. this actually wasn't bad. nobody knew me, I found a small group of friends, and was normal for a time.
Unfortunately high school brought a lot of my classmates from Christ the King, who as soon as they got there started spreading false rumors like I'd eaten a dog turd at school before, etc.
I did what I could to stick with my group of friends, keep my head down, and play football since I'd made the freshman team.
That was when one of them, we'll call her Cassandra, decided she wanted some attention. First she started saying that I was stalking her to her friends, which circulated around the school. I tried my best to ignore the ridiculous rumors because both I and my circle of friends knew that I was pretty antisocial and just went home to play video games and do homework at the end of each day. Apparently that wasn't enough attention from her though. She then said that I had harassed hegrabbed her ass in the lunch line. At this point I was pulled out of my class and set in front of my vice principal. I explained everything, that I had no idea what she was talking about, that I went home straight after school each day, and since I knew I hadn't touched her suggested there were no witnesses for the purported harassment. I think the vice-principal knew something was up, because she let me go and I didn't hear anything more administratively about it. This was in the era before an accusation was enough to have your life ruined by a social media mob... unfortunately there was still a mob present. the students. pretty much everyone except my friends started calling me openly in the hallway "Stalker" and "Pervert" and other things.
Around this time the habit I'd gotten for chatting online became something I did all day. I started skipping school to escape and met people who seemed to understand me, including the woman who would later become my wife. Since it comes up later, she was Bi.
This decision doesn't work out that well, and while I have more than enough intelligence to test out of high school early, and in fact did so in the 97th percentile of those who took the test, I missed out on years of social interaction, became even more of a loner, and withdrew further into myself.
I got my start in college, wanting to become an architect. my family doesn't have the money to pay for a fancy school, so I go to one called Silicon Valley College. I get grants and loans for an associate's degree with a promise of job placement. Just as I was about to graduate there is a construction/design bubble burst and their promise of job placement evaporates because there are draftsmen and architects with a decade of applicable experience accepting practically entry level pay to stay in the field, My dad wasn't working and couldn't hold down the jobs he got, either because he felt like he was better than some of them or health reasons for others. I change career track to graphic design to try and get something tangentially related by my now effectively useless degree, but the money runs out completely before I complete the program. I never got any job placement, they billed me for every millisecond they could for the time I was studying graphic design, and I had to get whatever job I could to try and support my family.
Now, I don't know what it is about me that seems to make people regard me as disposable, but I try multiple jobs. Most of them are slinging coffee. I do my best to go from seasonal job to seasonal job, relying almost entirely on the people I've met online for any sort of social interaction, and there is one, my future wife, where it's much more than that. I loved her. I loved talking to her. We would speak until the sun rose, have really hot tasteful cybering.. it was great. but then in 2002 she just left. stopped talking to me. no explanation or anything. A few weeks after that I have to float my first check to buy my family food, because the hourly and tips I was making at my job weren't enough. Dad was working as a bartender for a while but then ended up taking so many painkillers due to his knees they overwhelmed his kidneys and he ended up with two dime-sized kidney stones. cue more time where he can't work. At this time he also has a mid-life crisis and has multiple young men to the house, including one literal crackhead, letting them use and break my things as if they were his to give. the last in this long line of callers to the house was a 20 year old with a ridiculous name.. we'll call him Shiv. Now dad and Shiv are making goo-goo eyes at each other, Shiv is writing songs, they're talking about how they are soul mates.. all kinds of shit. yet Shiv gets a job at Panera, it's only for his walkin around money. not to help with the house.
Eventually the inevitable happens and with not enough income to keep everything afloat the mortgage goes into foreclosure. I try to handle the entire process of selling the home, but this was right at the beginning of the housing crisis, which struck California a while before the rest of the country. In January when I had the house appraised it was for $575,000. By the time I sold it in June the market had deflated to the point where it sold for $409,000, leaving a grand total of $10,000 with which to relocate.
It was at this time my father said he had located a home for him, shiv, and grandma (grandpa had died a while back) and that there was a separate apartment underneath but it wouldn't be ready for a month. This starts a fight because I'm asking what I'm supposed to be doing. I spent a few nights sleeping on a mattress leftover from previous tenant that had rusty springs sticking out of it.. then after throwing that away on a pile of towels in the corner while I try to find a job in the new area.
on the first day of the most promising interview I'd had out there, I was being "field tested" or something and walking around to get an idea of the job was. My dad calls me, talking about how he's going to kill himself because shiv is leaving and hangs up, not picking up my calls back, I call shiv who said he was done and he didn't care if dad killed himself. I got upset and didn't realize I was shouting into the phone when I told him if anything happened to my father, he would die too. the job informed me that I wouldn't be the best fit, I had to walk about 3 miles to a bus that would take me back to SF. I get to the shitty two level and they've kissed and made up, but shiv is angry. he flies at me, gets a few good shots in, then I throw him down a flight of stairs. I pack what little stuff I have (most of it is locked with movers who had changed their estimate to be $5000 more than we had and they kept our stuff) and left. I was homeless for a while, but managed to sweet talk acquaintances into letting me crash in the corner for a night here and there.. few nights on the streets but it was early summer so not bad.
three weeks later I'm well beyond being completely out of money.. silver lining is I've lost weight.. when my father calls me. he apologized for shiv and said the downstairs apartment was ready, and that they'd worked out a way to get our furniture and other property.
I came home, slept on my towels but at least in my own space, and started looking for work again. surprise surprise another coffee bar. this one is at least better than previous ones, I like the coffee, the training actually gave me some knowledge about the industry. everything was finally just chugging along, until some random Australian cunt overheard me making a joke with a friend of mine that we would have to buy Jameson instead of Bushmills if we were going to hang out upstairs because it was "proddy whiskey". a light-hearted take on sectarian nonsense, said without an ounce of maliciousness in my heard. she, however, took it upon herself to email corporate. if she had just mentioned the comment I'm sure it would have come to nothing. the company wasn't that bad. but she made up two paragraphs of lies about "rudeness" and "shoving past her" to clean the condiment station and a bunch of other blatant fabrications. Despite having no write-ups or any past indications that anything like this would be true I was still somewhat new at the job so I was let go. Effectively, I was fired because a racist had a problem with my Irish catholic heritage.
There's a silver lining to this part, you could say. In my job hunt afterward I got a job at an architecture firm! Everything was looking up, my disposition was through the roof. Everyone with exception of the receptionist was wonderful. I felt fulfilled because even doing menial stuff I was still working in an architectural capacity, I started thinking maybe things were going to be OK.
About three months into the architecture job I'm back home checking some old forums that I used to frequent.. and I find a message from the old friend who drifted away. I called her up that night, and things seemed to be going great. we started talking about meeting, moving in with each other, and more. Around the same time I get back into contact with her, my grandmother dies, and while going to the hospital to confirm my father finds out that my uncle is there as well, having died from exposure on the street.
Now, I wanted to go out for a week and make sure the chemistry wasn't imagined or only online. I tried sticking to my guns but for someone who everyone else in his life has thrown him away and abused him someone saying "No, I don't want to wait, I want you out here now to start a life with me" is a hard thing to just say no to.
Turns out I really should have.
When I get out here it's a couple of months of honeymoon just doing fun stuff while I look for architecture jobs.. I end up finding one an hours drive away, but it was beyond my experience. I told them as much but they insisted it was fine. Now I make the biggest mistake of my life.
See, since separating from my family I had a lot of time to think about just how fucked up things were. I had a LOT of anger, directed not just at my dad but any pedophile. I was also frequenting a board at the time called 4chan, where these pieces of shit sometimes posted. I tried to emulate some of the other users I saw to lure them into honey pots that would log their IPs and stuff to try and get them caught, but had a tenuous understanding of how it worked at best and was motivated purely by rage so wasn't thinking straight. I did this a couple of times on my work computer, but the situation where they had hired me to do stuff I didn't know how to do came to a head and we parted ways, while cleaning the computer they saw cached images but this was unknown to me at the time. Meanwhile I found another architecture job but he would only pay under the table. it was fine for a while, but eventually he closed the office due to a rent increase he couldn't afford and started working out of his home. I couldn't even collect unemployment because I had been working under the table. I spent 3 months looking for another architecture job (in 2009), then a month looking for an office job, then any job. Each one of these lesser jobs I took to make ends meet and pay bills put me further away from my actual architectural experience let alone what I was trained in (which was now more than a decade out of date).
The relationship that we had in that first few years was great, but a lie it turns out. couple of years in and I get a knock on my door saying it's the cops about images they found on the computer at the first place. I cooperate fully and try to explain myself. the officers I actually talked to seemed to get it, but apparently the prosecutor doesn't care about context and was pushing for maximum allowable penalty, no PTI, etc. So I was convicted, sentenced to years probation, but I didn't have to register or anything.
a while after this happens I lose the job I was at on a technicality as I had three "warnings" over a 1 year period, despite the excuse for one of them being that I was hauled off to the klink and they didn't give me an opportunity to phone anyone beforehand. part of my conviction is I can't use a computer for anything other than job searching, but they also just kept my computer. so I had to use my wife's computer to job search. I came across a file that seemed like it was some of the role-playing chat that we used to do when we were kids, and I figured what's the harm so I started reading. scrolling down there's a bunch of "in character" entries but then it shifts completely, and one of the entries is real life. detailing a day not more than two weeks before I'd flown out to the east coast, once where I was worried sick because she was offline with no explanation. turns out she was in Atlantic city putting another man's cock in her mouth. there were also entries making fun of my size (I'm average length, below average girth and fat) and me in general. also that she's faked every orgasm with me despite the fact that I often and repeatedly asked what I could do to make things better, as I wanted her to be happy. I close it rather than read further. I bring up what I found, there's never been a word of apology, only accusations of spying on her.
I do what I can to forgive and move on because I love this woman. however she relapses into faking again. because I now don't blindly trust I call her out on it. After this we start moving from having a sex life every week, to every month, to every few months, to going over a year without her touching me over the course of the next 5 years. I also saw a text message from one of her female friends saying how hot it was feeling her pussy, which I brought up and again she accused me of spying (it was when the message first popped up). over the course of the relationship I also become the sole breadwinner for 2 years working the car biz so she can work on her writing, which she was supposed to have complete a trilogy published and didn't even finish.
additionally over the course of the relationship she repeatedly snaps and goes off on me. vicious, worse than any bully or family member in my life.. doesn't even have to be my fault or me having done ANYTHING. one time she forgot to check the pending deposits and assumed that my job had fired me, waking me up out of a sound sleep to scream at me that I was a fuck up that was incapable of being an adult. I had to text a friend to see if the same thing was happening to him, and he was the one who said check the pendings. she then apologized once, deciding she could decide what would make it up to me.
relationship bullshit aside the job prospects are not good. I go into sales for a while because with that coming up on my background check most places will tell me to eat shit and die without a second thought except sales jobs.. eventually I get into customer service, with most recently being two years of what was more elaborate psychological torture than a job at a home warranty company. my father also dies in 2017 and while he was ridiculously fucked up he also did love me so I have a lot of complex emotions there.
in late 2019 we lose our cat who was like a furry son to us. a couple of months after that I lay out that the relationship is making me miserable and we need to work on it, as being 35 and our sex life being once or less annually is completely unacceptable to me. she agrees to this. for about 2 months things seem fine, then back to the same shit. now December 2019 rolls around, she hits me with she's "98%" a lesbian, doesn't want to even try with me any more, and will be sleeping with other people. If I didn't like it she'd help me get a plane ticket back to CA.
I got blackout drunk and tried my best in that state to kill myself. I still bear scars almost 4 months later but nothing went deep enough to do the trick. the kitchen knives we have, which were all I could find in that state, were pathetically dull.
So on to the reason for this enormous tirade.. I'm just done. My life has been force feeding me shit since before I was born. Not even my mother wanted me. I'm so damaged socially and emotionally I don't think I could enter into another relationship even if I wanted to.. I'm diabetic, fat, have ED, am fuck ugly and frankly absolutely exhausted at trying to live in this fucked up garbage world. I can't talk to anyone. I talk to my psych they just cluck their tongue and that there's always a way forward or something equally banal, I tried talking to my wife about how I felt (to maybe get some support, maybe be able to say goodbye properly and not die alone) and she just threatened to have me locked up. Even if I wanted to leave I don't have the ability. My credit is permanently ruined between student loans and bank debts/etc from when I was trying to support my family and floating checks. My background now comes up with that conviction so I will never be able to get an apartment or any job that isn't low end trash that sees employees as statistics rather than people. My family is dead or completely, the last living member which I had any contact with has now not responded to my calls and emails for months.
Now I just feel broken. I'm constantly misty, my chest constantly feels like someone is squeezing my heart, once in a while it dawns on me again exactly how fucked I am and I have to excuse myself from the room lest I freak out in public. My thoughts are almost always a whirlpool of asking why I'm so disposable, what I could have done to deserve what I've gotten, blind rage at the world and just emptiness. Even when completely calm and lucid I feel I have a really good case for ending this abortion that never happened but probably should have
submitted by lucidcase to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

The Complete Overview of DevOps Cloud Native Tools Landscape

Cloud native technologies are revolutionizing the way applications are delivered. They serve as an excellent complement to DevOps by providing the tools and platforms to enable automation and scalability. However, even for those in the industry, understanding what cloud native is (and isn’t) and navigating the entirety of the cloud native landscape can be a challenge.
Fortunately, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is helping to standardize the cloud native space and making cloud native more accessible. Their Cloud Native Landscape interactive map provides us with a list of tools and services that enable cloud native computing. Here, we’ll take that a step further and break down each section of the current cloud native landscape. By the end of this piece, you should have a firm grasp of the different aspects of cloud native computing, as well as an understanding of many of the most popular tools to implement them.

What is cloud native and how does its

landscape look like?

One of the more admirable things the CNCF has done is give the term “cloud native” an authoritative definition. It should help us avoid much of the ambiguity surrounding other terms commonly used in the industry, such as the confusion around the differences between DevOps and Agile. To paraphrase the CNCF, cloud native tech enables organizations to build and run apps in a scalable and dynamic way. Technologies like containers, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs are important parts of cloud native.
The cloud native landscape is the list of tools, services, and platforms that make up the current cloud native ecosystem. Many popular DevOps tools can be found in the current list. They are broken up into categories based on the functionality they provide and the layer of the cloud native stack they reside in. As opposed to enumerating every tool in the list, in the sections that follow, we’ll explain each category and review some of the most popular tools available.

App definition and development

The app definition and development category of the cloud native landscape focuses on components directly involved in enabling application functionality, communication between microservices, application data storage, and image creation.


Databases have long been a fundamental aspect of application development. In a traditional LAMP/LEMP stack, the database needs to reliably, securely, and quickly enable CRUD operations for the app. Typically, some sort of DBMS (Database Management System) like MySQL, Postgres, or MariaDB was used.
With traditional databases, all the files and resources had to reside on the same host for proper functionality. It’s this requirement that created a challenge for cloud native computing. Databases for cloud native apps cannot have a single point of failure and needs data to be spread across multiple servers. It is something distributed databases do very well.
Distributed databases enable more resilient and modular application development in the cloud. Data is stored by replicating and duplicating it across multiple discrete servers. By doing so, cloud native developers can increase performance and durability of their systems.
Some of the most popular tools in this category are:

Streaming & Messaging

Microservices architecture is the cornerstone of both DevOps and cloud native computing. It allows different services to communicate with each other, maintaining data consistently and avoiding data corruption.
Streaming services and message brokers are the middleware of cloud native. They formalize the way distinct nodes communicate with each other in the microservices-enabled system. AMQP is one of the most commonly used protocols here, but there are others such as MQTT and STOMP.
Each service and protocol works slightly differently, but the underlying principle for messaging is the same: message or event “producers” send information to an intermediary (the broker) that makes delivers it to “consumers” or event receivers to act on the information. There’s a bit of debate on what does and does not constitute streaming, but in a nutshell streaming is simply the ability to do messaging at scale. For a deep dive into the topic of streaming and messaging, check out Roger Rea’s Streaming Analytics: To Stream or Not to Stream? article.
Popular cloud native streaming and messaging applications include:

Application Definition & Image Build

Creating application definitions (great explanation by Puppet here) and building images are a vital part of automating the development pipeline (which is a key component of DevOps). Reliable images ensure deployment processes can be scaled and reproduced, enabling automation and HA.
Services in this category make it easier to manage containers and clusters at scale. If you think about how containers and microservices work, the use case for these services begins to become clear. Microservices and containerization are all about breaking down large monolithic apps into smaller chunks. It is great for resilience and scalability, but it leaves you with many images that need to be configured, maintained, and ran. Application definition and image building tools make it simple to define multi-container applications. Using Docker Compose, as a specific example, you can spin up multiple Docker containers as a single service.
Here are some of the most popular cloud native tools in the application definition & image build subcategory:

Continuous Integration & Delivery

CI/CD is at the heart of DevOps processes. Building quality software quicker is what most DevOps teams that leverage cloud native tools strive for. We’ve covered CI/CD in-depth in our What is DevOps post, so I’ll only give a crash course here.
Continuous integration (CI) is all about making sure developers are working with the latest code build. The code in development cannot drift too far from the main branch, otherwise the hell will break loose. CI helps to ensure bugs, are addressed quickly and keeps the main branch stable, ready to be deployed at any time.
Continuous delivery (CD) is the next logical step after implementing continuous integration. CD automates code delivery pipeline by running different suites of automated tests and deploying your code to QA or staging environments. Some companies go further, by implementing continuous deployment. The only difference is that it automatically deploys your code to production after all the tests have passed.
Here are the most popular CI\CD tools that are listed in the cloud native landscape:

Orchestration & Management

Cloud native application built in a DevOps-driven organization is inherently scalable, automated and resilient. It means the tools used to orchestrate and manage cloud native apps must be able to work at scale and trigger automated workflows.
In a nutshell, this category of tools is all about making microservices work together in harmony. That’s what the tools in these categories help you do.

Scheduling & Orchestration

Deploying and managing a cluster of containers is one of the major operational tasks required to create a resilient, loosely coupled, and easily scalable cloud native application. Operating containers in a cluster also helps you enhance operational agility and mitigate the single point of failure problem: you no longer try to avoid failure, but rather prepare your application to handle it with minimal consequences.
If your application consists of just a few containers, tools in this category may be unnecessary. Scheduling and orchestration tools become valuable as cloud native applications scale. The benefit of these tools is that they abstract away the complexities of managing a large number of containers. As opposed to managing your application at the container-level, they provide you with a framework to deploy, rollback, load balance, and configure self-healing functionality at scale. For a more in-depth intro to the topic, check our Why you need Kubernetes and what can it do. While that piece is specific to Kubernetes, many of the principles can be generally applied.
There are a variety of options for cloud native container scheduling and orchestration, but the three major players are:

Coordination & Service Discovery

There are thousands of stateless microservices in a cloud native application. Their lifecycle is unpredictable since microservices applications are built with auto-scaling and self-healing in mind. Coordination and service discovery tools enable the dynamic configuration and discovery of such microservices that are otherwise hard to handle. Using these tools can reduce redeployments and help with the implementation of stateless services.
The reason these services are useful for cloud native apps is that each discrete microservice may have a different impact on application performance and resource consumption. This requires services that are “aware” of one another. With coordination in place, failover, load balancing, and performance issues can also be addressed. For a practical example of the need for coordination and service discovery, check out the work Andy Redko did with Apache Zookeeper.
Some of the most popular coordination & service discovery tools are:

Remote Procedure Call

Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) allow applications to call a procedure that is not in the same address space. It is a core part of cloud native computing because it allows discrete microservices to communicate without residing on the same system.
RPCs are by no means new. Sun RPC a.k.a Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC) was originally developed in the 1980s. Similarly, Windows Systems having been using RPC for years. The reason RPCs are so attractive in cloud native world is that they enable language independent and low latency client/server communication. For more on the benefits of RPC, and gRPC in particular, check out The New Stack’s Google’s gRPC: A Lean and Mean Communication Protocol for Microservices.
Popular RPC tools include:

Service proxy

If you’ve ever had to troubleshoot an application, you’re likely familiar with the difficulty of drilling down to the core of the issue. Is it the app? Is it the network? Such approach may even lead to fingerpointing and make solving problems take longer. One of the core benefits of using a service proxy is being able to decouple network and application problems easily.
Drilling down a bit further, service proxies handle communication between instances in service mesh topologies. Not only do service proxy facilitates network communication, but it also improves observability and facilitates performance tweaks.
Some of the most popular cloud native service proxies are:

API gateway

APIs are an important part of enabling the scalability of cloud native apps. API gateways make API implementation easier by providing a single point of entry for API calls. It makes load balancing, security, and monitoring more effective and simple to manage.
Tyk does a good job of enumerating the benefits of API gateways to microservices in this piece. The short version is that API gateways streamline interservice communication, minimize attack surface, and enable service mocking to make testing easier.
There is a bit of an overlap between this and service proxy categories. Apart from NGINX and Envoy, two of the popular API gateways for cloud native apps are:

Service Mesh

As cloud native services scale and the architecture becomes complex, a service mesh can help you handle network-based communication of your system more easily. This Red Hat article provides a good crash course on the topic, but in a nutshell: a service mesh is a network of proxies that takes the burden of communication off of microservices. These proxies are often referred to as “sidecars” because they are effectively attached to, but still discrete from, the microservices themselves.
Some of the most popular service mesh tools are:


Even in the cloud, there’s always someone else’s computer behind the scenes. That means hardware resources like storage, compute, and networking must be somehow provided to the cloud native application. The basics are still the same, but in a cloud native world, you need to abstract away from the underlying hardware. Manual processes and tools that are tied to a given server or physical location become impractical with cloud native.
These tools and platforms are geared towards the distributed, hyper-scale, high-performance demands of cloud native.

Cloud native storage

There are several big players in the cloud native storage space, including Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store), Azure Disk Storage, and Dell EMC. However, we’d like to focus on open source solutions, since those are preferable in many cases and CNCF (rightfully) tends to have a cloud native bias.
Cloud native architecture places unique demands on the storage of data. Solutions must be scalable, resilient, and distributed. The ability to dynamically scale and automatically recover storage is a must at scale. Similarly, cloud native storage solutions should avoid platform lock-in and enable storage across multiple cloud service providers.
Here are a few of the top open-source cloud native storage options:

Container runtime

“Container runtime” is an oft-misunderstood term. Container runtime is software that executes containers and manages container images on a node. As Daniel Walsh put it in his post on, container runtime manages container’s lifecycle by utilizing cgroups and namespaces of the kernel. It’s an overloaded term that is often confused with Docker itself.
Given that, you may be expecting this section to be just about Docker. After all, it was once a monolith application that, apart from many other things, also managed container runtime. From the first glance, Docker abstracts away kernel resources and builds logically separated containers on top of them. What else do we need? Alena Varkockova did a good job answering this question in her Medium piece. In short, as the container market matured, Docker application was separated into distinct microservices that now provide specific functionality (e.g. containerd).
So, beyond Docker and containerd, here are a few more container runtime projects worth noting:

Cloud native network

Automation, scalability, and resilience are key aspects of cloud native networking. One of the big potential “gotchas” of cloud native networking is ensuring network resources are released and reallocated when a given container is destroyed. By planning your cloud native network strategy properly you can avoid such problems, and create a robust and scalable service.
Cloud native networking tools enable scalable and automatic allocation of network resources. This, in turn, enables orchestration and management of your network resources at scale.
A few popular cloud native network projects are:


Manual infrastructure provisioning doesn’t scale well. To effectively scale out your application, the underlying infrastructure must be defined in the configuration files that would reside in a version control system. Having this done enables you to treat your infrastructure as code and automate its provisioning. As a result, you have an auto-scaling cloud native application.
Each of these subcategories dives deep into enabling provisioning of containers and microservices in an automated and scalable fashion.

Automation & configuration management

Tribal knowledge and configurations details that only a few chosen team members know do not scale. Due to this reason, configuration management is the key DevOps process. By implementing IT operations practices like infrastructure as code, DevOps teams benefit from reproducibility, uniformity, and increased visibility in change management.
Cloud native automation and configuration tools allow configuration management at scale. Reproducible configuration files make it easy to deploy new servers with pre-defined ruleset or modify existing infrastructure at scale. Additionally, infrastructure as code helps to minimize differences between development and production environments, making your code run as expected once in production.
Some of the most popular configuration management tools include:

Container registry

Container registries are simply repositories for container images. A centralized and authoritative repository of container images helps build cloud native applications more rapidly. It allows you to quickly pull a known “good” image and use it as a building block in your application development. For many, a public registry like Docker Hub is sufficient. However, there are times where a more robust solution is required.
Companies use the container registry if they want to have more granular control over where the images are hosted. In simple terms, think of container registries as an on-prem or self-hosted version of Docker Hub.
Two popular container registries include:

Security and compliance

“Security is everyone’s responsibility” is a common refrain in the world of IT, and this is particularly true when it comes to cloud native application development. Since cloud native often means “everything” resides in the public cloud, there is plenty of room for error that could prove costly. With the ever-present threat of data breaches and the increasing importance of compliance to regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), maintaining a strong security posture and adhering to regulations is more important than ever.
There are a variety of apps focused on enhancing the security of cloud native apps and making the process of integrating security easier. Here are some of the most useful:

Key management

The principle of least privilege and zero trust are popular approaches to security that many infosec professionals tout. A single compromised key can lead to a catastrophic breach. Therefore, it is no wonder securing encryption keys is fundamental to sound information security and identity management. In a cloud native world, identity and access management tools should scale easily.
Here are some popular key and identity management solutions for cloud native projects:

Observability and Analysis

Feedback loops are vital to continuous improvement. If you are not monitoring and analyzing each aspect of your application, you may miss out on key areas of improvement until they impact users. The right tool can help you detect problems early on and build more robust applications. Think about it this way: if there is a memory leak, how soon would you want to detect it?
Additionally, DevOps tools allow you to monitor performance and trigger actions based on predefined conditions. It makes your system self-aware, being able to react to sudden changes more rapidly. If any given container is in poor health, proper monitoring can prevent significant performance impacts by quickly detecting and replacing broken containers.
Some of the more popular observability and analysis (or as I like to call it: monitoring) tools for cloud native are:

Closing thoughts

That was our walk through the cloud native landscape as it relates to the cloud native stack. In addition to what we covered here, the CNCF also calls out a variety of cloud native platforms to choose from to run your cloud native apps, a list of Kubernetes Certified Service Providers and Training Partners, and serverless technologies. However, what we covered here is the focal point of cloud native: the cloud native stack. It is worth noting that you won’t necessarily need a tool from each category to deploy cloud native applications effectively, but as your business grows the right technology becomes increasingly important. If you are interested in learning more about DevOps and cloud native technology, subscribe to our blog or contact us today. We are passionate about DevOps and the democratization of high-performance computing, and we would love to help you identify the right solution for your workloads.

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submitted by diablom1980 to devops [link] [comments]

My character isn’t ‘girly’. How do I stop it from seeming likes she’s ‘not like other girls’?

In a sorry I’m writing, I have a Main Character named Cassandra (but I call her Cas). She’s not into the stereotypical girl stuff, but she doesn’t dismiss that sort of thing a stupid or childish or whatever.
I’m trying really hard to not make it seem like she’s notlikeothergirls but I don’t really know how. Any advice?
submitted by Sadmusicgal to writinghelp [link] [comments]

🏥🐉👨‍⚕️🍜THE AMAZING DRAG RACE - EPISODE 5: Crazy Bitch Asians PART 2 🏥🐉👨‍⚕️🍜

In the under streets of California

“Cassandra we’ve been wandering around these sewers for hours.” Del complains. “Why can’t we just ask Sonya for permission to raid the studio?”
“Because this is cool as fuck Del.” Cassandra replies. “Besides, I think I’ve found the right manhole.”
“Cassandra, I’m literally on S5, this could’ve been easier.”
“SSSSSSSSSHHHH DEL!” Cassandra shushes the Queen. “I think we’re here.”

4:30 pm SGT Singapore

Back at Singapore, Erathelle is relieved that the challenge isn’t another acting one.

[ERATHELLE CONFESSIONAL]: Thank fuck it wasn’t an acting challenge, I was ready to neck myself.

Erathelle looks around her.
“So, where is Old Changi Hospital?” Erathelle asks the camera.
The camera nods at her.
“What the fuck does that mean?”
The camera nods at her again.
“Fuck it I’m getting a cab.”
Back on the plane, Skarlet sits by herself waiting for Kitty who’s attempting to console Alexa.

[SKARLET CONFESSIONAL]: I didn’t mean to say that to Alexa but in some ways I kinda did.

Kitty arrives back looking pissed at Skarlet.
“She isn’t answering the door Skarlet, I’m very worried.” Kitty plops down next to Skarlet.
“Oh she’ll be fine.” Skarlet replies. “She isn’t that big of a pussy, look what she did on Drag Survivor.”
“She better hurry up because there’s a long line for the bathroom and I gotta piss like a bitch.” Kitty grabs her crotch watching the line of people.
Suddenly, the flight attendant approaches Skarlet and Kitty.
“Ma’am I’m afraid I have some news about your friend.” She begins. “I may have to show you so please follow me.”
The two girls follow the flight attendant down the aisle to the jammed opened bathroom.
“OH MY GOD!” Skarlet screams.
In the bathroom they find Alexa’s body on the toilet. Her body kneeling on the ground with her head jammed inside the toilet as blood scatter all over the floor.
“How the fuck did this happen?”
“We don’t know.” The flight attendant replies.
Meanwhile on the other plane, Annie, Elle and Sardonyx are unaware of the events that happened on the flight before them.
“Ladies and gentlemen.” An announcement begins. “Due to an unfortunate event on the previous flight, all terminals on Changi Airport will be possibly shut down as police will be sweeping the plane. Our flight will be rerouted and may be delayed for a certain amount of time. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for flying Cass St. Cass airlines.”
“Ooft.” Elle begins. “Whose plane is that?”
“Skarlet, Alexa and Kitty.” Annie replies. “I bet one of them is dead.”
“Don’t joke about that Annie!” Elle slaps the Queen on the face. “We don’t want to have a death.”
“Elle, that means there’s less competition and we’ll be closer to the crown.” Sardonyx chimes in.
“Oh in that case, I hope its Skarlet. That bitch has a fierce track record.”
Meanwhile at the airport, Tish is accompanying a very drunk Anita on her flight.
“Tishany guess what I smuggled up my ass.” Anita begins.
“Oh God Anita please don’t tell me you’re a drug mule.” Tish horrifyingly replies.
“Oh God I wish I was loose enough for that, I smuggled a bottle of wine! Look I’ve already drunk half off it.”
“Anita you’re already super drunk!” Tish replies trying to snatch the bottle of wine from her hands.
“Tishany stop you used to be so much fun, remember our alone times on S1 remastered?” Anita runs her fingers down Tish’s chest.
“Anita don’t remind me about that.” Tish blushes. “That was a long long time ago.”
“It wasn’t that long ago Tish Anne.” Anita seductively replies. “We can do it on the airport bathroom you know or may be on the plane so we can join the mile high club.” “Passengers for flight 420 to Singapore we are now boarding please head to the gate.” An announcement breaks their conversation.

[TISH CONFESSIONAL]: Oh thank god for that.

5:30 pm SGT Old Changi Hospital, Singapore.

Erathelle stands in front of the gates of the hospital, looking at the hospital.

[ERATHELLE CONFESSIONAL]: I saw a lot of Anita’s on the drive here, I knew that bitch wasn’t as special as she thought.

“Are we allowed to enter the hospital?” Erathelle asks one of the producers.
“Yes Doll.” One of them replies. “We got permission from the Singaporean government.”
“Then, what is that “Keep Out!” sign over there?” Erathelle points at the sign.
“Oh don’t worry about that sweetie, look we’ve opened the gates for you just go in!”
“I- I-” Erathelle hesitates. “I think I’ll wait for another contestant, I don’t want to go there alone at night.
“Too late.” The producer pushes Erathelle into the property and slams the gate shut. “Good luck, we’ll see you in the morning!”
Meanwhile at the airport, Skarlet and Kitty are being questioned by a police officer.
“So you’re telling me that your friend Skarlet is the reason why your friend killed herself on the plane?” The police officer asks.
“Yep.” Kitty replies. “All her fault.”
“Now wait a minute.” Skarlet butts in. “You can’t really blame me for that, it’s not like you have any evidence.”
“Actually.” He begins. “We have security tapes from the airplane that tell us otherwise.”
“Fuck.” Skarlet whispers under her breathe, she leans over the table, grabbing the police officers gun and shoots him on the shoulder.
“Skarlet what the fu-”
“Quick Kitty run!” Skarlet grabs Kitty by the hand as they run out of the airport.
“There’s the yellow marker box!” Skarlet points at it. “Fuck we won’t have enough time to watch it, they’re already following us!”
An army of police and police dogs chase after them as they scream in Malay.
“Kitty quick press the button of the marker box!” Kitty presses the button.
“Hello Ladies!” Cassandra pops up on the screen.
“Goddammit Cassandra we don’t have time!” Skarlet and Kitty worryingly watch the recorded message waiting for Cassandra to reveal the location of their challenge.
“We’ll be heading down to Old Changi Hospita-”
“OLD CHANGI HOSPITAL.” Skarlet screams. “Look Kitty there’s a sign pointing us to the right direction RUN FOR IT!” The girls run as fast as they can as the police dogs run closer and closer towards them.
Meanwhile on the other plane, Annie, Sardonyx and Elle have all managed to arrive on time at Changi Airport.
“I really wanna know what happened on the other flight.” Elle looks at all the police and soldiers wandering around the airport.
“Elle I don’t think nows the OH MY GOSH ITS A DOG!” Sardonyx runs towards the police dogs who lunge back at her knocking her down to the ground.
“These aren’t fucking dogs.” Sardonyx screams. “They’re Tigers!”
“Sardonyx, their police dogs they aren’t for playing.” Annie shakes her head in disappointment as Elle films the whole thing on her phone.
“Someone help me!” Sardonyx begs trying to rip apart the police dogs from her. “They’re ruining all my good clothes.”
“Sardonyx you’ve been wearing the same outfit since the start of the competition.” Annie replies.
“Yeah, if I wear more outfits, that means I’ll be using up water to wash wasting our planets water!”
“Sardonyx you have China to do that for you.”
Meanwhile on another plane headed for Singapore, Tish tries to stop a rowdy Anita from drinking any more Alcohol.
“Anita you’re going to get us kicked out of this plane with this drinking.” Tish explains to her.
“No waAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAy Tish.” Anita replies. “This is Singapore airlines, they know who I am.”
“Anita.” Tish shakes her head. “This is Cass St. Cass airlines and you aren’t Nick Young from Crazy Rich Asians.”
“YeEeEeEs I Am” Anita replies, she looks at a passing by Flight attendant and yells at her. “Hey, HEY HEY! You know who I am right?”
“Um sorry.” The flight attendant replies. “I don’t know any Thai ladyboys.”

7:00 pm SGT Old Changi Hospital, Singapore

Erathelle has spent the hour and a half wandering around the dark empty hallways of the hospital collecting materials for her look, hoping to survive the night. She makes sure her steps are light enough that no entity can hear.
“Please Please Please spare me.” Erathelle whispers to herself.
“ERAAAAAAAAAATHELLE” A faint wispy voice echoes around her.
“Who’s that?” Erathelle looks around her.
“Mummy loves you Eraaaaaaaaaaathelle.”
“Please tell me this is a joke.” Erathelle whispers to herself.
Out of the Blue, a very aged Fantasia Four appears in front of her, her thick gray hair falling down her shoulders covering her hospital gown.
“Mummy is so glad to see you back home Erathelle,” The ghost of Fantasia Four whispers.
Terrified, Erathelle drops her materials and runs for the hills screaming at the top of her lungs.
“Where are you going my baby?” The ghost of Fantasia Four chases after her, “Come to mummy’s arms Era!”
Erathelle runs inside the room next to her and slams the door shut. She heavily breathes, exhausted from the chase. Unfortunately for her, the ghost of Fantasia Four floats through the door.
“Era my baby, you’re in the nursery where I birthed you! Look around.”
Erathelle looks around the room to see endless rows of cribs filled with creepy porcelain baby dolls.
“Mummy has been raising your siblings here. Children, you’re sister is home.”
In unison, the dolls all get up from their cribs slowly before turning their heads at Erathelle.
“SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTER” They whisper together.
The dolls climb out of their cribs marching towards the Queen. Terrified, Erathelle tries to open the door but it seems to be locked.
“COME ON COME ON COME ON!” She screams.
She continues to turn the door knob but nothing seems to be working.
“Dammit Dammit Dammit. Jesus please help me.” Erathelle tries again with tears in her eyes as all hope seems to be lost.
“There’s no escape big sister.” The dolls march towards her smiling. “Welcome home.”
Without thinking, Erathelle screams and throws herself out of the window next to the door landing on the hallway. She wipes away all the glass and begins to run.
Meanwhile just outside of the hospital, Kitty and Skarlet can be seen running around the corner.
As Skarlet says this, the gates magically swing open by themselves.
“3!” Both girls leap as high as they can landing inside the property, the gates automatically shut blocking out the Police and their dogs.
“You are going to die in there!” One of the policemen yell. “May God be on your side.”
“Well Kitty.” Skarlet looks at her. “I guess we’re going inside the building.”
Meanwhile at the airport, Elle, Annie and Sardonyx have all watched the video message on the yellow marker box and are reading up what they can about Old Changi Hospital.
“Well this is fun.” Elle looks at her phone. “Apparently they used to torture people during the war in there.”
“The war against vaccines?” Sardonyx asks.
“What.” Elle looks at her. “Sardy no, World War 2.”
“Oh.” Sardonyx replies. “I hope this hospital won’t force me to get vaccinated.”
“Sardonyx vaccines are good for you.” Elle explains to her. “They’re the reason why so many people are alive today.”
“People were still alive during the Black Plague and they didn’t have vaccines.” Sardonyx sassily replies.
“Thats because half the population died.” Elle argues back.
“I don’t see any statistics about that claim Elle so thats invalid.”
“Where are your statistics about vaccines being bad?” Elle asks her.
“Now you’re just antagonizing me and bullying me because I’m anti-vaxx Elle!” Sardonyx begins to cry. “I’ve googled these facts for years Elle how dare you question my my research!”
Elle rolls her eyes. “Annie have you got us a cab yet?”
She looks around to see Annie secretly entering a cab by herself.
“Uhhhhhhhhhhh Yeah! Hop in guys.”
Meanwhile on the plane headed towards Singapore, Anita decides its time to reveal to Tish her deepest darkest secret.
“TiSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsh.” she begins. “PrOoOoOomise yOoOoU won’t tell AnNnNnyOone about this.”
“Umm sure.” Tish replies.
“Remember in Episode 1 when Kitty claimed I was sleeping with the judges on Second Chance to get high placements?”
“Ummm yeah.”
“Well it wasn’t me, it was Marianna so there you go. Don’t tell anyone.”
“Anita that secret wasn’t even about you at a-”
“SSSSSSSSSHHHH” Anita puts her finger on Tish’s mouth. “Don’t tell anyone.”
Anita throws up all over Tish’s shirt.
“Oops let me lick that up.”
“Anita NO!” Tish pulls Anita away from her. “You’re not a dog.”
“Yes I am I’m a bitch.”

8:00 pm SGT Old Changi Hospital, Singapore

Erathelle, still wandering around the hallways alone, has regathered all her materials and holds it close to her chest.
“Wh-wh-where am I s-s-supposed to sew all of this together?” Erathelle asks the camera.
The cameraman points towards the day room.
“Th-thanks.” Erathelle replies, looking around for Fantasia Four’s ghost to reappear.
Erathelle opens the door and is surprised to see a well lit room filled with sewing machines and other materials, the room holds a large TV showcasing the latest episode of RDR5 and large mirrors on the walls for the girls to get ready in.
“Why didn’t y’all send me here earlier instead of wandering around those damn hallways.” Erathelle whispers to herself.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the hospital Skarlet and Kitty both wander the empty dark hallways together trembling in fear.
“Now Kitty.” Skarlet begins. “The most important thing to do is to not get separated from each other.”
The two girls cling together in fear as they walk around the empty hallways when a young child strikes Skarlet’s attention.
“Wait a minute is that a kid?” Skarlet looks at its direction.
“Skarlet no, remember what you said don’t separate!” Kitty replies.
The dark haired child swiftly runs like the speed of light across the hallway.
“It is a kid!” Skarlet replies. “Hey wait for us!”
Skarlet runs after the kid.
“Skarlet no no no come back here!” Kitty chases after her.
“Hey little girl where are you?!?” Skarlet yells looking around. She sees the child in the corner burying her face in her dirty hospital gown.
“Whats wrong my love?” Skarlet bends down so she’s next to the child. “We’ll get you out of here.”
The child immediately lifts its head at Skarlet, her eye sockets are hollow and her teeth are razor sharp like razor blades.
“You’re going to HELL” It screams in a demonic voice.
Kitty runs around the dark hallways looking for her friend.
“SKARLET WHERE ARE YOU?” Kitty screams.
Suddenly a loud blood-curdling scream can be heard from across the hallway, sending chills down Kitty’s spine.
“Oh my god they got Skarlet.” her eyes widen in fear.

[KITTY CONFESSIONAL]: Well the bitch is dead.

Meanwhile at another side of the Hospital, Annie, Elle and Sardonyx all wander around the rooms together collecting materials for the challenge.
“This isn’t as bad as I thought.” Annie begins while she grabs some blankets from a dusty old bed. “I thought we were going to die in the first 10 seconds.”
“I know!” Elle pipes in as she grabs as many IV bags as she can. “This is so much fun, I feel like I’m on a field trip.”
“Um, hate to break it to you guys but whats that?” Sardonyx points at the other side of the room.
“What do you mean?” Elle asks her. “Thats the wash room.”
“Yeah but one of the bathtubs is filled to the brim with what looks like blood.” Sardonyx points at the tub. “I think we should leave this room.”
“Sardonyx don’t be such a pussy, come on lets go take a look!” Annie pulls Sardonyx and Elle with her.
“Annie I think Sardonyx is right, we should leave this room.” Elle replies.
“Come on this is obviously staged!” Annie exclaims. “Look at this bathtub, this is clearly fake blood or even pomegranate juice.”
Annie wanders around the tub.
“They’re trying to scare us you guys, this is all a fucking joke. Look, I’m going to stick my finger in the tub and we’ll see what happens.”
“Annie I guess you’re right. Cassandra likes to scare us shitless all the time.” Elle begins to loosen up.
The second Annie dips her finger in the tub, a large pale faced soldier appears from the tub grabbing the Queen by the chest and pulling her down with her back into the blood filled tub.
“ANNIE OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!” Sardonyx screams.
The blood inside the bathtub begins to drain away revealing the empty tub.
“Oh my gosh where did she go?” Sardonyx rummages through the tub. “SHE’S GONE!”
“Sardonyx we need to get the fuck out of here, RUN!”
Meanwhile at the gates of the Hospital, Tish is wondering whether it’s a good idea to leave Anita alone in such a dark scary place under her condition.
“Are you sure I can’t go in with her?” Tish asks the producer. “She’s still very intoxicated, from the time I was with her she had 62 standard drinks so I think I should be with her just in case.”
“Sorry Sir.” The producer says as he pushes Anita away form Tish’s arms. “You’re not a contestant but you are welcome to join in next season, now off you go Anita, go get your outfit ready.”
As the producer slams the gates shut, Anita immediately passes out on the ground.
“Well that was quick.”

In an unlocated Studio in California

Cassandra and Del have wandered around the underbelly of Los Angeles California for hours and have finally arrived at their destination: directly underneath the studio of RDR. The girls quietly wander around the empty studio at the dead of night looking for their culprit, slowly but surely they inch around the studio, guns on their hands and sets of knives strapped around their bodies waiting for their villain to show up. As they arrive inside the werkroom, Cassandra begins to tear up, reminiscing of her days on S3.
“Oh I remember this place Del.” Cassandra sniffles. “I wore a red latex jumpsuit as my entrance look and the rest was history and look where I am now, my own season, a finalist on Second Chance and now an All Stars hopeful. Who would’ve thought S3 Cass would be where she is today.”
“Cassandra that's all great but we have to focus on the chall-”
“Oh look! That's where I wrote my mirror message.” Cassandra struts towards the mirrors. “I remember being so pissed at being eliminated that I robbed some of the girl’s stuff, Lucy couldn’t survive after I stole her blowtorch and her clown white, no more fire ruveals for that girl.”
“Cassandra thats cute and all b-”
“Oh and these are the couches where I used to sit alone everyday.” Cassandra sits at the exact spot she used to on S3. “I was so alone and so depressed on S3 because I couldn’t make friends. So I used to sit here and watch all the girls interact and have fun while I wrote my shitty submissions, I must’ve done something right because I made top 6.”
“Love you Cass but you gotta foc-”
“You know I still regret that, I wish I talked more on S3. I missed out on so much stuff, so much drama I didn’t know about, friendships that were formed, T that was spilled. When all the S3 girls appear and reminisce about S3 I can’t relate to them, its like I wasn’t there or as if I was an early out even though I made it farther than fan favorites like Fantasia, Christina and Rain. Elle wasn’t as active but everyone adored her while I was just there.”
As Cassandra continues to reminisce, a large stage light appears on top of the staircase where Bianca pops out to announce the challenges, Alex and Desdemona can be seen wearing matching white crop tops and mini skirts with a large red letter “R.”
“Prepare for trouble.” Alex begins
“And make it double.” Desdemona continues.
“To protect the world from devastation.” Al
“To unite all peoples within our nation.”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”
“To extend our reach to the stars above.”
“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”
“Surrender now, or prepare to fight!”
“Wow how cute.” Del applauds. “Encore! Encore!”
“Well, well, well isn’t it little old Cas-” Before Alex can continue, Cassandra shoots him in the head.
“Cassandra what the fuck!” Desdemona screams. “We’ve just started our reign of terror.” “Its Alex she’s a wild cunt so its fine.” Cassandra tucks her gun away. “As for you Desdemona my rogue alt, my stunning queen, I’ll let you free this time.”
“Cassandra why are you letting her go?” Del whispers to her ear. “We already have her within reach.”
“Yes but we need a good villain for season 2.” She replies.
As Desdemona escapes through the back door, Cassandra and Del inspect Alex’s body.
“So should we clean it up or leave it?” Del asks.
“Leave it. Sonya will have a lovely surprise in the morning, now we have a show to run so be better leave.” Cassandra responds.
As they leave the room, Alex’s dead body begins to smile.


The lights at the makeshift runway on the Hospital’s Emergency Room light up revealing Cassandra, wearing a Hospital Gown which shows off her bare ass as she walks.
“Ladies and Gentlemen . . . and the undead wherever the fuck you are, welcome to the stage of the Amazing Drag Race!” Cassandra begins.
“You know, you love her, You want her to win Reddit’s Rising Stars and Reddit’s Drag Race Season 5 its Del O’Ryan.” Del waves to the empty room mysteriously filled with applause.
“She’s the Queen of the Forest and the robbed Queen of Dragula, its Diana Forest!” Diana looks around the room wondering where all the applause is coming from.
“She’s the Queen Mother of the sub who everyone loves and adores, its Angie Apathy!” Angie waves at the roaring applause.
“And Finally, she’s your Reddit’s Rising Stars hostess, S1 remastered winner and the Queen who will crown me on Miss Spice, Its Tish Hughes!” As Tish begins to wave, the room goes silent.
“This week, the Queens were tasked in creating a runway look from materials they can find from this Hospital, shall we take a look?”


“Sardonyx, due to your lack of a submission this week, you are in the bottom my dear, you may head to the back of the stage.”
“Lets start with Alexa.” Cassandra looks around the room. “Alexa? Guess she’s dead.”
“Let’s move on to Annie.” Cassandra is met with silence. “Oh, she’s dead too?”
Cassandra crosses her name out of the list.
“What about Skarlet, is Skarlet here?” She’s met again with silence.
Cassandra looks at her list.
“Okay Anita? Ah. Thank God we have one alive.”

I loved how you incorporated the era that Old Changi Hospital is from and the really made sure we had our herstory for it. You used a lot of materials that I loved and was really happy to see, especially those blood vials as buttons. You were very in the period BUT I have to agree with Angie about the makeup, it was too modern and really contrasted your look. I wasn’t a big fan of the hair either only because I’m not the biggest fan of bobs, I would’ve liked to see something maybe a little longer or a little sleek for the look. Overall, I think you had a good strong look BUT it was a bit too simple for me, it still fell under the Anita brand but it had to be one of the weaker looks on your portfolio. I know that you can do a lot better than this so I’m hoping to see something bigger from you in the upcoming design challenges happening.
“Hi Anita. I think you did the best job of embracing the materials this week: you went in on specifics and finishings and had many different details without getting repititious. You really seemed like the kind of creature rumoured to reside in the Old Changi Hospital. Where you could have improved, is that I think you had great construction descriptions but very little descriptions of the end product. A little bit more framing and big picture details would have helped this look make some more sense - as it stands it was a little bit death by details. The textural elements were fun, but it was hard to see the juxtaposition without an overall description of the look.”
So Antia, I just need to say I love this look, I think you really nailed the “telling a story” type of look. The concept is, albeit a bit simple and predictable, was nailed so well. Just like Elle, your look utilised the materials very well and used that to create a look that worked well. Even without the story, I loved the whole look, the blouse is giving me major latex fetish fashion vibes and I’m fucking here for it. My biggest gripe is the buttons tho, I’m confused on how these work, If they where vials they would poke out weirdly far or am I missing something? Also if they were tied vertically they wouldn’t look like buttons, so I don’t really know. But overall a great showing
You weren’t required to give us more of a narrative, but I appreciate the fact that you went a bit more ambitious by including one. The hair, voluminous sleeves and midi length skirt are all period correct for your stated goal of 1930’s style, and it was nice to see plastic used in something other than retrofuturist/Judy Jetson hooker sort of concepts. The make up was not my favorite, as while it did give me ghost/undead, it was a bit too modern and early 00s horror movie in contrast to the rest of the look. Plus the makeup of the 30’s period with its thin brows and soft sooty eyes could be easily taken to the haute spooky realm at which you excel, and it kind of felt like a missed opportunity.
I love the play on textures in your garment, the tubing as boning in the top, the woven layer to add more contrast to the skirt, the blood pressure cuffs as belt. Given the materials at hand kind of limited your color choices, relying on texture to add visual interest was smart. In a look filled with a lot of interesting uses of materials in the details, the buttons were the only one I can point to as not being quite as successful as your other accessory and trim choices. I would have preferred a pussy bow at the neckline, or the blood vial buttons, rather than both buttons and bows stacked atop one another. Gauze is a soft somewhat floppy material, and putting that volume on top of the slightly oversized blood vial buttons and close to a heavy sleeve was a touch too bulky in an otherwise elegant silhouette.

“Moving on we have Erathelle!”

You completely knocked it out of the park compared to the rest of these girls. Your look was out of this world, I loved the silhouette, I loved how you made first and foremost, a mermaid gown because you know I fucking love those and you elevated it in a way that I didn’t know I needed to see. I’m also obsessed with the texture of this outfit, I love the materials you used to create it, it was very creative and really made use of the materials you had around you because I felt like some of the other girls lacked a bit in that context. However, I don’t think you really needed that reveal that you prepared, it was okay but it was better to leave it out, I would’ve loved to have seen just a bit more skin but I don’t think you truly needed to show it off in this outfit so thats forgivable. Overall, this was another strong week for Erathelle and the girls who really wanna win this competition better watch out.
“Hi Era. Another outstanding job this week. If someone wants to know what you are like as a queen, I would direct them here. I feel this is a great description of your style. I think your construction was well thought out and realistic, but still zany and different. I’m not sure how you created the image in your submission, but it was a huge boon. The image supported your writing, especially in the more bizarre details such as the turban’s shape. I’m not sure why you decided to build the garment as a mermaid gown and not the more traditional baggy pants, but it was part of what made the look so memorable to me. One criticism: I feel like the brain-popping reveal was a little undercooked. I feel something extra was definitely needed, but it came across as you throwing a balloon of goop on the look and calling it a day.”
I’m going to say this the best I can… Fucking stunning. I love it. This is definitely the most couture high fashion eleganza take on this challenge and god it’s amazing. I think the silhouette is stunning as well as your mug, you definitely nailed the part of turning trash into a work of fashionable art. The only issue I have is that you could have gone more in-depth with construction and your reveal felt a bit unessicary, but girl. Fucking stun
This is definitely the most ambitious garment for this week, in terms of silhouette. I think you did a very good job adapting the materials at hand to bend to the will of your very couture idea, though I would have appreciated a little more detail in terms of the construction section, given the elaborate garment. The make up is absolutely stunning, and you used your tendency toward the verbose to make sure we got a good look at the enormous amount of textures and drapery in the gown. Using pillows as the support structure for the enormity of the sleeve was my personal favorite of a design that was full of really standout repurposes of the mess of junk provided.
Given the look was so strong, the bloody brain reveal felt like an anticlimax, and I really could have done without it, and was digging the more haunting and serpentine vibe of your presentation before the campier gore moment.

“We have Elle!”

Loved this look from you this week, I thought it was a lot different and unexpected from what we're expecting from you in regards to your style and aesthetic and I thought it was a step up. I loved how you embraced the materials such as the IV Bags which is something no other girl would've thought of doing and you really went into detail about your construction of the jacket which I really appreciated a lot. However, I wish you didn't tell us about the gag early on because you hyped it up at the start and it didn't deliver to our expectations in the end so I wished you kept quiet. A lot of the judges have mentioned that it was a bit pedestrian with the whole rocker vibe which I agree with, it was teeter tottering on pedestrian and on the safe side but I think overall it was still a good look.
“Hi Elle. I loved your take this week. Rockabilly vampire was something I never expected to see. Real out of the park stuff. Great to see. As far as execution I think you did a great job of making everything cohesive, and I really enjoyed the use of the IV bags in the garment. I have three negative critiques. Firstly, I think you could have described the silhouette a little more. The fine details about the jacket and the headpieces and detailing were great, but I would have loved some more general details about the rest of the look. Secondly, I think the way you set up the gag was a little clunky. I think you could have talked about the IV lines in the jacket in a little less detail: I feel it got in the way of the story you were trying to tell. Lastly, I would have prefered you had not spoiled the gag at the beginning of the look. Feel free to take a little more creative license and be a bit less literal. If you had described yourself as holding to IV bags, and squeezing them causing blood to spurt from the jacket, and after that described the details/construction it would have been stronger. Overall: great concept and one I didn’t expect from you, not as quite good execution as I am used to seeing from you - but still really solid, carefully thought out work.”
Hey Elle! So firstly I want to say how well you have utilised the materials in the challenge, you really went out of your way to use the materials in the most intresting way. I enjoy how much of the look is clear plastic and I think it’s an interesting take on the theme of rockabilly, it definitely felt fresh. However, the silhouette of your look is very pedestrian and your vampire theme felt tacked on, it didn’t work together and there was no real reason for those things to be combined. I felt like your look and wig were one thing and your makeup and presentation was another, I wish you went all in with one of your themes instead of just one. Also please give me the win on RDR this week xoxo.
I absolutely love the biker style jacket, and your careful step by step details of both your construction and your reveal/gag show your experience with this style of challenge.The idea of the Eastern take on motorcycle/greaser culture is a fresh one, and the hair, shades and use of needles for decorative purposes both got your conceptual idea across very well and were fantastic uses of the materials available.
Where this lost steam for me was the sudden switch to a vampire idea, which seemed shoehorned in to make the rather cool transparent to red blood bag stunt possible. I would have liked to see a few more little clever visual details to tie the two ideas(vampire vs biker) together, even in the most campy thinly plotted “Lost Boys” kind of way. A lick of lips and a hint of fang in the facial description, red details in the crisp white of the boot that are revealed to be blood in the latter half of the submission’s transition. The jokey presentation and saving all of the vampire aspects to the last 2 paragraphs read as disjointed.

“Last but not least, we have Kitty!”

I know that Design and aesthetics isn't your strongest points but I have to applaud you for trying and submitting this week unlike SOME girls (jk no shade love y'all.). You slayed the storytelling for me, it hyped me up for the look but the look was a little, well flat. I wanted you to go all out and crazy-er with the look. I also wished you went into more detail, I'm not gonna repeat what the other judges have said here as they made some really good pointers and I want you to read it and apply it to any upcoming design challenge.
“Kitty! I enjoyed the character that you sold this week - I think your abandoned mother played with the theme quite well. As far as the look itself, it was very simple. Repurposing scrubs to make a dress is sort of first base as far as a construction challenge goes and I think you could have pushed for something more original in terms of the look itself.”
Hey kitty, so I want to say. I like your story idea and the concept of your look, I just think you could have nailed it more. The look is very simple and for a sewing challenge, I would expect something a bit more out there, as a wish gown doesn’t scream transformative. You only used a tiny bit of the materials as well, this is unconventional materials, push it further girl. Your mug also could have used more work, I want to know how your face is painted and eyes + lips don’t make a face.
I think your base concept was a very solid idea, as a column style wedding dress is not an impossible construction given your hospital setting/materials, and marriage and family gone wrong has a lot of potential for pathos and horror in the presentation. However, this feels more like a sketch than a fully fleshed out idea. The construction details are sparse, the garment description is a bit terse, and we never find out why your bride is now an eternally pregnant ghost. Did she lose the baby? Abortion gone wrong? Suicide before a shotgun wedding?
I liked the direction your garment was headed, as well as your character presentation, and both caught my attention. I just wish you had taken more time to show me the concept and look you created, and given me a bit more meaty description to help me better visualize your concept and look.

“Ladies I’ve made my decision”


“Kitty, you are safe. You may step to the back of the stage.”

Kitty clasps her hands together, thanking the judges and leaves the stage.
“Elle Crimson”



“You are also safe, you may head to the back of the stage.”

Elle thanks the judges, except for Tish and leaves the stage.

“Erathelle, your look this week had us hungry for more.”

“Anita your look was simple, sweet but psycho.”












Erathelle condragulations you are the winner of this week’s challenge.


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