Cool Group Names [Creative, Unique, Catchy, Clever Ideas]

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Mobile Device Repair | MBL.REPAIR

MBL.REPAIR | Mobile Device Repair Whether you are a hobbyist or a tech sitting in the shop. This sub encompasses everything from basic computer, phone & tablet repair, to also those delving into the board level repair and data recovery aspects as well. We also provide basic getting started guides as well as links to vetted parts suppliers in our sidebar. Welcome to Mobile Device Repair!

Cut my salary in half? Kiss your business goodbye.

The cast: (Names changed for anonymity)
Me - your storyteller of the moment.
Chad - Hiring CTO.
Richard - CEO, brother of Chad.
Big Bro - Engineer coworker
Eddie - IT and Desktop support guy.
This takes place near the very beginning of my software engineering career, back in '05 or '06. I'd just been let go from my previous place of employment due to be being compliant with directives I'd been given (although not maliciously, so that story wouldn't be appropriate here, sadly), and thus working myself out of a job. I was a young college dropout from a technical college that hadn't been federally accredited yet, and thus all my student loans were from banks and loan companies instead of from Uncle Sam, and debts were due. I was also making payments on my very first car, even though it was a beater that the prior owners had already nearly driven into the ground (4 years old and nearly 200k miles on it when I bought it), and of course, rent and utitlities. The job I'd just been let go from already had me working paycheck to paycheck as they paid far under average rate, but I was still new professional so I couldn't be very choosy. I was living in Los Angeles county, so the cost of living was so bad, I was having to choose which bills were going to be late on a monthly basis. Specifically, I was living in a town called San Pedro, a small town tucked fairly out of the way.
After blasting my resume to all the job boards, I get a call from a startup who seems interested in my resume and wants me to come in for a face-to-face interview (skipping the call-screen entirely). In my desperation, I agree. I'm given an address, which is all the way up in Woodland Hills. I check the internet... 55 minute drive so long as there's no traffic. With traffic it looks like the commute will be more like an hour and forty-five minutes... each way. I'm desperate though, and literally nobody else has reached out to me about my resume or responded to my applications, so I go to the interview. I arrive to an mostly empty office complex. Maybe 6 or 7 other cars in a parking lot capable of holding at least 50. I go into the building mentioned in the address, and call the phone number I was given to let them know I've arrived. Enter Chad. Chad comes to meet me, and seems excited that I've come! He escorts me through the building to an office. Mind you, as far as I can see, we're the only two humans in the building. He gives me the pitch for the company, tells me he built the software being sold, but it's not scalable, and needs someone who can rewrite it. After we go through the whole interview song and dance, he offers me the job on the spot. The pay is marginally higher than the last gig, so I figure gas would be covered for the commute. I agree, and we shake hands, as I'm going to be starting the next Monday.
Red flags start appearing from the very first minute I arrive on monday. First, I'm given a tour, which consists of the 14x14 foot office I'm going to be sharing with Chad, as well as another engineer who's going to be starting the following monday. I'm not a fan of having someone able to look over my shoulder, it makes me nervous. I ask why each engineer's desk has two computers. "Because the one you will be writing code on doesn't have internet access, for security purposes." (Note: this was pure paranoia. There was nothing about this software that required such tight security, we weren't doing any gov't contracts or anything of the sort.) Then, I'm escorted clear across the building, to meet with the CEO (Richard), the IT guy (Eddie), and the sales/support team. I'm told that half of the team is supporting the existing version of the application, 2 people are selling the existing version to new clients (or trying to), and one person is explicitly tasked with selling the new version. The one I haven't even started on yet. I'm still young and dumb at this point, but even I know this means the salesperson is probably giving out a date when the customer should expect their purchase to be filled. "It's a good thing you started when we did, we've been telling customers it'll be ready in June." Did I mention all this was happening in February? Apparently I've agreed to rewrite, test, and package an entire application I've never seen before in approximately four months. So, tour being done, I sit down and get to work. After jumping through a bunch of hoops of getting the software I prefer downloaded onto the actual work machine, as well as the code, I set about reviewing code so horrific I've not seen its like since, and there isn't a single comment in the entire thing. Before I can ask a single question of the CTO however, he tells me he's headed to downtown LA to scalp his tickets to the Lakers game, and that he'll see me tomorrow. So... now I'm alone in the office with this abomination, a machine that's been hamstrung to heck and back, and the only thing I've got to console me is the fact that at least I'm employed again.
Fast-forward a week, I've documented the bulk of the code (because there wasn't any), and the boss and I do not get along. He's mad because I've not written any substantial code, and I'm frustrated because I'm trying to understand a lot of what specific code is trying to do and he's routinely leaving around noon to go sell his tickets for Laker's games, or just not in the office because he's chatting with someone else. When he is in the office, I show him my documentation, and try to get him to verify it or describe the purpose of code where all I can say is "Wat?" By the end of the week, I've covered about 30% of the project in a wiki-like document, and I've taken to leaving after sunset so I can a) get more done, b) have a shorter commute, and c) drive when my car isn't an oven (the ac didn't work). I've barely managed to convince the CTO that what I'm doing is necessary so the engineer starting the next monday doesn't have to do anywhere near the same crap I've got, which would make us a more efficient team.
Monday arrives, and in comes Big Bro. I call him this because he was a much more experienced engineer than I was. We spend the first day with him getting set up, then us reviewing what I've documented. He manages to answer some questions the CTO never did, just because he is that much better, and I start to feel more confident. Over the next weeks, Big Bro took me under his wing as an engineer teaching me best practices, standards, and where my plans were good and where they could be better. If it hadn't been for him, I'd have gone insane! I end up joining him outside for smoke breaks even though I don't smoke, just so I can get a breath of non-office air. He and I discuss the project, and we also make friends with Eddie, who makes us laugh by telling us horror stories about the CTO and CEO (apparently he was a school *friend* of theirs and basically worked with them because they paid him to do something he felt was super easy).
April rolls around. I've got a special occasion I need the day off for, which happens to be a Wednesday that year. I'd advised him when I first started and he'd been cool with it. I remind him on April 2nd (since I had an irrational fear of policy decisions being made on April Fool's Day), and he loses it. He goes off on a rant, and straight up informs me that he regrets hiring me, claiming I didn't have the skills I told him I did, and wasn't worth what I was being paid. We're definitely not half-way done (more like one third), and it's already been decided that June is a lost cause and that we're shooting for August now. That habit I started before, of leaving after the sun went down? Yeah, that never stopped. I was arriving at 9am every day, and leaving around 10pm every night, trying my best. Big bro was the same, and Eddie would stay late with us just because we liked hanging out together. So, it should be understandable that I was very close to losing it right back at him. In a strained, yet diplomatic voice, I told him that if he put in the same amount of work to help us as we put in to rewrite *his* code, we'd probably be a lot closer to done than we were, especially given the twelve hour days. He was not a fan of that, and switched to straight up yelling, blaming us for the lost sales and refunds due to the delays, and that the only way he'd get off our backs was by getting the project done. This entire time Big Bro is just sitting there, and says nothing to back me up. Chad then left the office for a bit, and I just declared I was taking my lunch and would be back in an hour. I felt frustrated by Chad and betrayed by Big Bro, who I felt (rightly or not) should have had my back since we were in the same boat.
When we were both back in the office, he apologized for yelling and told me that since he agreed when I was hired I could have my day off. Cool. I apologized too, although not for anything specific. I just didn't want to talk to him anymore and figured that was the fastest way to end the conversation.
Fast forward to June, and the opportunity for Malicious Compliance. Over the last two months, Chad has been getting worse and worse. He's yelling nearly every day (and still leaving early too). Big Bro and Eddie are also feeling the pain, nobody is safe from his ego. The smoke breaks and afternoon/evening portion of our day are when we're most productive, as nobody can focus until Chad leaves. The first monday in June rolls around and Chad invites me to go on a walk outside for a 1-on-1 meeting. I figured I'm being fired (at this point we've had to refactor the rewrite almost entirely due to missing a critical chunk of functionality, and we're still only 60% done. August release is looking less and less sure). Chad informs me that he's hired a 3rd engineer, but in order to stay in the budget to pay him, he's cutting my salary in half. I stop on the spot and just give him a blank look.
"Are you serious?" I ask. "I'm barely able to pay for my bills and the gas required to commute here as it is. If you cut my salary at all, I won't be able to afford to live." At this point the idea of cutting my productivity to help ramp up a new engineer so he can help us meet the deadline doesn't even occur to me, although in hindsight that would have also been a pretty major issue.
Chad brushes me off. "That's not my problem. The fact that you missed one deadline and look like you're gonna miss another is. If you've got a problem with that, you're more than welcome to go find another job. The new guy starts in two weeks." And with that he walks inside. I'd just been told that I had two weeks left of job at my current salary. Cool. So that day I do something I hadn't done since I first started. I left while the sun was still up. (Specifically, I left at 5pm). I drive my oven-car (no working Air Conditioning in a car that had been left in the sun all day in Woodland Hills had me feeling like a baked potato) through traffic (hour and a half-commute home through LA heat), and updated my resume before reactivating my accounts on all the job sites. I'm contacted the next day by a potential new employer, and I get an interview scheduled. I decide to tell Big Bro about the new opportunity, and he hits me with news that lets me know just how small a world we live in.
Me: "Hey, Big Bro, just fyi I've started looking for a new job. I've already got an interview lined up."
Big Bro: "Really? Where?"
Me: "Over at "
Big Bro: "Wow! That's where I worked before I came here! That place is pretty awesome, and I left there on pretty good terms. I know the CTO there, go ahead and use me as a reference!"
Me, skeptical: "Really? Okay...."
Turns out Big Bro was true to his word, and the CTO and I even talked about Big Bro during the interview. Apparently they'd already talked about me, and Big Bro had been the ultimate hype man, confirming everything I said about why I was looking for a new job and everything. All goes well, and I'm electronically signing an offer-letter that Friday afternoon (Chad had already left for the day, so there was nobody to look over my shoulder as I used the work computer that *had* internet access to get this done). At the new Job, the commute is cut by more than half, and comes with a pretty significant raise. I tell Big Bro and Eddie on the last smoke break (I still don't smoke) that I'm done, and I've found something new. Oddly enough, they both smile and just wish me luck. "No hard feelings, hope we stay in touch!" Odd, but I'd stopped really caring about anything related to that job, so I paid it no mind. I went back inside, packed up my stuff into my backpack, and walked to the CEO's office.
Me: "Hey Richard, got a minute?"
Richard: "Hey OP, what's up?"
Me: "Just wanted to let you know I found a new job, so I'm moving on."
Richard: "Really, why? We need you!"
Me: "You guys decided it was cool to cut my salary to a point where I couldn't afford to live. Chad said if I didn't like it, I should look for something new, so I did."
Richard, looking defeated: "Well, when's your last day?"
Me: "Today."
Richard, now pissed: "We need you here to train the new guy who starts soon!"
Me: "Hey, I had to train myself and to an extent, Big Bro when he first started. The new guy should be able to as well."
And with that, I left for greener pastures.
The unexpectedly *huge* fallout:
Four months later, Big Bro texts me to ask me how things are going. I tell him things are great, and we schedule a lunchtime call because apparently things have gone sideways in a huge way.
Part 1) Apparently Chad came in on Monday almost violently angry, and demands Eddie re-image my work machine first thing in the morning, which erases everything I'd left on there.Big Bro comes in an hour later, and he and Chad discuss the new timeline for the project. Somewhere in there apparently Big Bro asks Chad to log into the admin account on my old work machine so he can pull the documents I'd accumulated about the planned architecture, the existing code, meeting notes, etc. Chad answers by apparently punching a hole in the wall, and leaving for the day (probably to go to the hospital to deal with his hand), at 10:30 in the morning. Big Bro then spends the rest of that week ostensibly working on recreating the documentation from scratch.
Part 2) When I asked how the new guy handled the new documentation, Big Bro laughed and told me there never was any documentation. Apparently he and Eddie had become really good friends in the months we worked there, to the point where they'd become roommates about a month before I left. More than that though, they'd decided to start a freelance/consulting business together and only had to decide on when to make that their full time jobs. Neither of them liked Chad much, and wanted to make their departure hurt as much as possible. So, they decide to make Big Bro's last day the day before the new guy starts, and Eddie would quit shortly afterward, sticking around just long enough to watch the bomb go off. Did I mention Big Bro never told Chad he was quitting? Yeah. He just didn't show up that Monday. He had, however, emailed that 'documentation' he'd spent a week writing to Chad. Turns out he wasn't documenting the code at all. He'd spent a week writing a letter explaining in excruciating detail why Chad was such a bad boss, and he'd emailed it to everyone in the company. I asked if he still had it so I could read it, and he sent it to me after the call.
Thankfully, like the big helper he was, Eddie had ensured that the new guy's email was set up and in the proper groups before the email was sent, so the guys first email in the company was a novella about the kind of person he' agreed to work for. Apparently Chad thought it was appropriate to take his frustration out on the new guy, who'd already read a significant portion of the email before Chad shoved him away from his desk and deleted it. Apparently new guy promptly decided (and rightfully so) that agreeing to work for Chad had been a mistake, packed up his things, and quit on the spot.
Part 3) With the new guy quitting, the August deadline was now little more than a dream within a dream, which according to Eddie doesn't stop Chad and Richard from trying to find that miracle rock star engineer who can save them from their own situation (which, given what they were offering as pay, didn't exist). So time advances in its unstoppable way, August arrives, and customers find that they've paid for something that hasn't been delivered yet, and pretty much unanimously demand refunds, with a few customers bringing legal action against them. With the amount they have to refund, and the money they now need for legal fees (because of they way they'd incorporated, they were personally liable), they could no longer afford to pay anyone, and were forced to shutter the business.
Final Note: For my fellow software engineers out there who were wondering just how bad this application was, this "program" was a single php file with over 40k lines of code, running inside a `while` loop. Any and all logic consisted of if/else trees, which then led to either more if/else trees or more loops. No function calls, no external libraries included, just.... spaghetti of the worst kind. Given the nature of the application, most critical logic had to be implemented in no less than seven places, depending on where the execution was when the logic was needed. At worst the tab-depth was something like nineteen or twenty tabs deep.
Post upvote-splosion edit:
I wanted to write out my thanks, and to answer some of your questions, but it turned into another long wall of text. So, instead I put it in a comment, which I'll link to here:
submitted by technicalviking to MaliciousCompliance [link] [comments]

GM Railroading is so strong it starts even before the campaign starts

TL;DR: GM tries to modify every aspect of a game he hasn't even read to have control of everything and railroad to the max.
I had a few brief horror moments in my experience with RPGs, but this is the most extensive, so it will be a very long story.

We had a group in which we rotate games and GM role every campaign, so I played other 2 campaignes with this group and they were really good.
This story begins way before the campaign starts. The group is formed by Me, The Hippy (a really nice guy that just avoid every personal conflict), Mr. Precise (a precise and ordered guy, very gentle, avoid fight but not conflicts) and the GM.

The GM wants to start a fantasy gritty campaign in the viking era (Journey to Ragnarok module for D&D 5e), really cool so far. He played D&D 3.5 before but never read nor play 5e, still suggested to play it as a GM.
Me and Mr Precise (we know 5e) start pointing out some problems that may occur while using D&D to play the gritty campaign he is describing. We suggest he read the manual and rule out some spells or abilities that may automatically solve the problems he wants to put in the story.
For example you can create food for all the party with the goodberries spell. If he wants to play around hunger, he should modify or ban the spell. GM responds that you can take the spell, but if you do you will be incarcerated and forced to cast it every day to make food for the people.
He asks what characters we wants to play (I want to play a Druid, Mr Precise a Wizard) and after we create them he starts to ban some things:
Ok... so Me and Mr Precise stop modifying our characters at every new "rule" and ask him to made a full list of what is banned or modified, he responds that it will be too long to read everything and make a list (Days has passed, he haven't read the manual yet).
Mr Precise still wants to play a Wizard and the GM suggests he can sew runes in his vest instead of having the book...ok cool! But he will have to find the rune corresponding to the spells to learn them AND roll a sew skill check (not arcana) if he fails he can't learn spells until next level.
They start to discuss this thing (Mr Precise thinks is unfair), not really into a fight and after a while the GM says he can't be the GM because we are too hostile to him.
We just state the italian saying: clear agreements lead to long friendship. But at least problem is avoided, right? ...Ahah, not so fast!
GM changes his mind and brings new home rules to the table, like: using swords wears out the edge.
I ask if hammers have the same problem. GM respond that they don't have it, because hammers didn't exist in the viking era. He corrects himself right after, saying that they exists, but only smiths have them and are 10 times as expensive as a sword. (What?)
After some discussion GM cancel house rules and just says that he can use whetever he wants in the campaign because he is the GM ... we don't agree, of course the GM can create his world and modify rules BEFORE the campaign start, but especially after all he is saying, we really like to use clear rules.
At this point The Hippy (that has partecipated very little in the discussion) make a long message that says that changing all the rules in this way is too much and repeat to the GM that he should at least read the manual for start. Mr Precise adds that changing random things really change the balance in the game.
GM ignore the Hippy and tells that there is no balance since the GM has all the power, and that he is changing everything to make the world more realistic and similar to the viking age. (We explain what we mean by balance but he doesn't listen).
At this point he was also mildly insulting us (he said we were polemical, always negative and talking nonsense). So I make a long post in which i say he is ridicolous for not listening to all his 3 players. He if he wants to GM properly this is the first thing to do, other players agree in this.
He spit out some other insults and state that he will not be our GM...nice!
But wait, there's more!
Mr Precise and the GM keep fighting about changing the rules to accomodate the setting. (basically GM would change everything, while Mr Precise suggest to change little things or simply not use an high fantasy game to play in a gritty world).
(I'm skipping a lot of other nonsense, but this is getting too long).
At this point the GM still hasn't read the manual. So i suggest to change the game, or if he doesn't want, to leave us the task to remove all things that can break the gritty game he is describing or as a deseprate move remove all magic... it's really bad to remove magic from D&D, but this is what he was describing for days... a gritty world where people fear hunger and cold, how can we fear hunger and nonmagical cold if we can sput out food and fire out of nothing or create magical space with confortable temperature?
So GM finally decided: we will play Symbaroum (a D&D like game, with low magic) but whith a viking setting.
Ok, finally he changed his mind...
I read the Symbaroum manual, i don't like it very much, but whetever. GM asks what characters we want to do (here we go again! :D)
Mr Precise asks if he can make a necromancer (wich is a school of magic exactly like the others in the game). GM says he can do it, but if he do it he is an NPC (why???) We explain that a necromancer is basically a wizard and doesn't have to be evil, the GM respond his spell sucks because they kills friends.
In reality, there is one necromancer spell that target all living creature nearby... but he can just use it in the right moment or simply take other spells.
GM continues to make home rules and changes things up as for D&D, but you get the idea, i don't want to repat too much, so i skip to the best parts.
After i make my character (some sort of paladin) he tries to modify my abilities distribution, my powers choice, my background (not because it didn't fit the setting, he just wants to make my character one eyed, maybe to resamble Odin I don't know), even the picture i want to use and my F***ing character name (Gorm) because it wasn't viking enough... i literally searched on google "viching names" as HE suggested and chose from them.
I discuss some things with him, trying to accomodate what he is looking for, but I just refuse to agree to the nonsense.
At this point you may ask, why do you still wants to play with a GM like that? Well, this is thrilling me, how will this end?

So the campaign starts...
When we roleplay between characters is really exceptional, but even the parts with the GM are pretty nice, the problem is that in combat he continuosly give us malus for our actions and try to defeat us by "cheating" (using narration he said) but never killed us. The worst part was that every event occur in an awful railroad. Whethever you do, the most predictable thing always happens.
We played the first sessions using a draw program with the GM sharing his desktop (we switched to roll20 later) and at some point he alt-tabbed and show us some notes by mistake: It was a graph formed by 9 or 10 hexagonal boxes and arrows, like this:
[Encounter with NPC, go to the woods] -> [wolf attack, injures NPC] -> [Return to village, other NPC punish them for leaving first NPC there]
I Read only the first boxes, understand what it was and stopped, but everything i read happened.
I lasted 5 sessions...
the last thing was an encounter with an invincible NPC (that healed more damages per turn that we can possible make) in which i just tried to die in an old fashioned viching way before leaving the campaign, but apparently this wasn't his plan, so i didn't die.
So I write a message in the group telling that this is not my style of playing, i'm not having fun and so i'm stopping.
The GM insults me one more time, said he should have never accepted me as player (I was contacted by Mr Precise on a role play website and asked to join the group) and kick me from the chat group before other player can answer me.
The best insult was toward my character that to his words was a "panettone schifoso" ("disgusting panettone", today i don't even know what this mean, my character was basically a noble viching warrior with some heals and divine protections).
Other players answer me privatley telling me they understand me, but will continue playing mainly because he is a friend.
submitted by Lucis_Torment to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

Warning: Think very hard before going into business with your friends

EDIT: Imma just say that I was boiling over when I posted sarcastic comments and snarky remarks and I apologize for causing such a
TL;DR: Yesterday cursed out my friend in the DM's, took down the company website, and blocked him and everyone else in company in every possible way after being emotionally abused for too long.
I'm a mid-twenties programmer with a good steady career path making enough money and getting enough perks that I'm not complaining. I enjoy my job and my teammates, but the company I work for and the work I do isn't entrepreneurial. Having an entrepreneurial mindset myself, I'm always looking for opportunities to build something with someone. I've had one experience in the past of working with another friend of mine during college and we actually managed to build a cool MVP and get some funding from our university's startup accelerator. It never went anywhere but was an amazing learning experience and solidified my love for startups and software.
So, when I learned that my friend (who is the subject of this post) was working on a company with his family and they needed software help and expertise, I saw this as a chance do something again. I was excited at the idea because no one in the team had software knowledge and I could tell they needed help. At this point, the company was about six months old and was actually profitable from what I understood (at least, that's what he told me). So I decided to jump in and help out, being onboarded as the CTO.
At first, things were great. I was able to prototype a lot of things very quickly and my friend and his family (2 other people) were visibly excited and happy at the rate of progress. I was essentially building the full stack for a website that would get used by business clients (anywhere from 10 users in the beginning to over 100 eventually). I told them front-end development wasn't my area of expertise but it seemed that nonetheless they were very pleased with the front-end design of the site. I admit maybe I'm not totally incompetent at front-end, but it is far from being my specialty and I only really do it when I need to. I would still call it pretty amateur-ish, though.
About a month in, there began being an incountable number of red flags that I sort of just swallowed and didn't make a big deal out of. I don't remember the exact timeline but here are some things that occured:
I cursed him out in the DMs and said that he has no leverage in this situation. I had all the .pem keys to our EC2 instance (not that it would've mattered anyway) and all the code was in a private git repository that only I have access to. He didn't seem to understand the gravity of how absolutely furious I was because he didn't apologize or change his behavior but continued to criticize me. So what did I do? I turned off the instance, deleted all S3 buckets, and blocked everyone at the company. They can buy the code for 10k if they want. But I'm never going back to that dumpster fire.
Please: make sure your cofounders know what they're getting into when it comes to a software business. And think really hard about going into business with your friends. Finally, make sure you keep as much as you can under your control in case anything goes as badly as it did for me.
Edit: Forgot to mention one of the last things he said was that he could get a single guy in Eastern Europe to code every feature he wanted in under a month and that would not cost much money. Obviously I'm not dumb enough to believe that and knew he was bluffing. But this type of emotional manipulation just put me over the edge. I know that the low-ball for the site that he's dreaming about would cost probably a hundred to a couple hundred thousand dollars to build properly.
submitted by staybythebay to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

First Contact - Third Wave - Chapter 406

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Vuxten walked quietly next to Sergeant Addox, listening in on the rest of the platoon talking to one another on the chat channel. They were either taking bets on how long the little green mantid had been in cryostorage or bitching about the taste of the nutripaste or their water.
All good.
Addox stopped in front of the door that the little green one pointed at before settling back down on the top of Addox's helmet. Vuxten checked and saw that Addox was running his internal heat at three degrees above normal and raising the threshhold for dumping heat into his heat sinks or deploying the small cooling fins.
"Past. Open and there," the little greenie said. It settled back down and began gnawing on the beef jerky that Casey had run up for him.
"Casey, crack the door," Vuxten ordered. He opened the channel to the rest of the platoon. "Everyone, weapons off safe but fingers off the trigger."
One by one the icons went to amber.
Casey knelt down and started working on the door, bypassing it in only a few minutes. It took a few more minutes to break the weld holding the door closed and Casey took a minute to lube the track the door was set on.
"Ready?" Casey asked, holding up the two wires.
"Ready," Vuxten told him.
Casey touched the wires together and the door slid open. Helmet lights and shoulder lights illuminated the inside of the room with harsh white light for the first time in millions of years.
"Mantid automation, man," Addox said softly.
The computer was obvious. Quantum systems, supercooled, the piping repaired over and over again. The dangling superconductor wires woven through everything.
Vuxten saw the "Phasic Control Maintenance Manifold" right away. Looking at it gave him a headache as the psychic shielding jumped six points. The system was complex, the shielding and casings removed on half of the equipment.
"Dropping my psychic shielding five percent," Addox warned. He gave a low grunt. "Wuff, I can feel the tingle across the back of my teeth."
"471, talk with your ancestor, check the system, see what you guys can do," Vuxten said.
--roger roger-- 471 sent back. --better have turkey for us--
"I'll have Casey fab you up some turkey jerky," Vuxten promised.
--casey use too much lemon pepper-- 471 said, opening the clamshell.
The psychic protection clamped down hard enough the little mantid's knees buckled for a moment. He shook his head, the other dozen green mantids following suit. He climbed down Vuxten, moving across of the floor to the electrical conduits.
--it appears to run off of some form of power-- 471 sent.
Vuxten laughed.
--checky checky-- 471 said. --we will see what we can see--
Vuxten watched the greenies check out the computer systems, the phasic system, the wiring on the walls. He moved over and leaned against a computer console, watching everyone get to work.
"He's asleep," Casey said, jerking a thumb at the green mantid on top of Addox's helmet. "Poor little guy has some serious freezer burn. Probably been in cryostasis on and off since the Precursor War."
Vuxten nodded, remaining silent.
Long minutes passed while Vuxten chewed a piece of gum and watched.
"Glory, do you read?" Casey asked from where he was standing next to one of the computer consoles.
"I read you, Sergeant. Line's full of distortion and interference though," Glory answered.
"How's your dataslicing? Any good at it?" Casey asked.
Glory chuckled. "I'm a DS, what do you think?"
"We've got a Precursor Era computer system here, VI run. Can you do your thing and, you know, take over the system?" Casey asked.
There was a pleasant laugh. "No can do, Casey. Your pipeline is wide enough for me to talk, maybe do some data exchange, but the interference would cause too many errors and your pipeline is too thin for my fat ass."
"Heh, first time a woman's ever complained about the width of my pipe," Casey laughed.
"I'm hard to please," Glory laughed with him. "I'll help what I can, but you're going to have to depend on the greenies. 680 was in Digital Warfare Corps before transferring to the Telkan Marines," she said.
"680, can you lead everyone into cracking that computer open?" Vuxten asked.
--easy peasy lemon squeezy-- 680 sent back.
The greenies crawled over the equipment, using access hatches designed for them but not.
Cordexen sat in his command chair, staring at the console he had moved in front of him. He had traced, as best he could with only limited permissions, the areas where the servitor caste had stopped responding for a long period before responding again.
It was a wandering, meandering path from the Deep Ore Miner Maintenance and Processing Bay that led the empty area on his map that Cordexen knew contained the Hive Queens chambers, the primary phasic control system, and the facility's master control computer systems.
He wracked his brain, trying to figure out how the mere passage of the bipeds could be disturbing the servitors. Perhaps they left behind some of their numbers to be devoured?
No, that would be done by primitives, and primitives didn't fashion high tech combat armor or work Substance W.
Cordexen knew he should be alarmed by an alien species invading the facility but he honestly could not muster up the emotion to care much. If they destroyed the facility, he would be free. If they busted down his door and shot him, he would be free. If they destroyed the computer and the phasic system, he would be free.
No matter what happened, as long as it changed the unending status quo, he would be free.
"Warning, unauthorized entry to computer mainframe detected," the facility VI suddenly said. "Security control alert: unauthorized entry to computer mainframe housing."
"Open the door. I will examine the breach," Cordexen said, sitting up.
"Unable to comply. Message is as follows," the VI said.
Cordexen slumped in his chair as the Queen's words were repeated back to him.
"Unauthorized breach to..." the computer started. "Access granted. Welcome 'little teapot', admin access granted. Maintenance access granted. Power user group 'all your base' has been created."
Cordexen perked up again, watching his screen. Data was flowing by at an incredible rate, the screen's refresh capability actually being overloaded by the amount of data flashing. The VI kept reciting groups being created, access being granted to groups, power users logging on.
He watched as the facility actually posted a maintenance update to his screen.
Half of the facility was dormant. The cryopods were at critical. The power was running at one tenth power. Life support was at bare minimum.
He felt the heaters kick on, blowing warm air into the control room.
Cordexen slowly unfolded from his chair, moving over and standing under the vent.
He raised his face up, closing the armored eyelids, relishing in the warmth.
He imagined he was standing outside.
Klakeka stirred as the lights came on in his command center. He heard the environmental system kick in and felt warm air pour from the vent, enveloping him in a warm blanket of heated air. His monitor was showing a deep level scan of the facility's status.
"Environmental system lockout lifted by admin power user 'hip hop soldier'," the VI stated. "Nutripaste lockout lifted by power user 'delicious delicious turkey'. Facility lockout under review by power user 'all the electrons to my yard'."
Klakeka stared at the monitor as data flashed by almost impossibly fast. User groups he had never heard of were taking over systems, rebooting some systems, powering down others, powering up the rest.
"Power user 'Great and Powerful Zig' has issued autonomous mining machine recall and maintenance phase," the VI reported.
"Define user 'Great and Powerful Zig'," Klakeka ordered.
"Cannot comply. Message is as follow," the VI said and Klakeka started to huddle in on himself.
"Hi. My name is Technical Sergeant Grade Six 'proton movement in high gravity low temperature semi-solid strange matter' but you may call me 538. If you shoot at us we'll kill you. This facility is under lockdown by the Terran Confederate Military. Please keep all hands and bladearms inside the vehicle and remain seated at all times. Question and answer period will be after full facility control. The war is over but we'll still kill you if you resist. Turkey is delicious and we will share it with you. End message," the VI said.
Klakeka just stared. "Computer, replay message."
The VI obediently obliged, repeating it.
Klakeka frowned slightly, his antenna crossing slightly.
"Computer, define... 'turkey'," Klakeka ordered.
"Cannot com... data loading. Loaded," the VI said. It suddenly showed a picture of a fat strange looking fowl. The feathers flew off of it, the head fell off, and it suddenly fell in boiling grease. It emerged looking golden brown and covered with a light crust of ground up grain flour. The skin and meat was pulled away, revealing moist white meat that dripped grease and juices.
Klakeka found himself salivating just staring at the image.
The meat was ripped away and dropped to cartoon green servitors, who were all dancing with strange little icons replacing their eyes to display happiness.
"Turkey," the VI stated with authority. "Is delicious."
"I would very much like some," Klakeka said softly.
"Cannot comp..." the VI started to say. "Do not resist. Resistance will be met with 15mm high explosive armor defeating phasic enhanced antimatter kinetic rounds delivered in groups. Compliance will be met with delicious turkey."
Klakeka kept salivating, watching the picture.
Comply? I'll do more than comply. I will put on a hat and dance like a Vurkeent at a mating ritual for a chunk of that delicious looking meat, he thought to himself. It sounds much more delicious than bullets.
Abriketa petted the little green servitor in his lap gently. He was able to generate enough of a psychic field that through contact he could ease its anxiety at not working on the task it had been ordered to complete. Its chitin was dull and flaky, waxy and distressed, but it huddled up against Abriketa in the cold and dark of the command center.
"Someone please talk to me," Abriketa mourned.
"Cannot comply. Message is as..." the computer suddenly cut off. It had been spouting gibberish for the last few minutes and Abriketa had tuned it out.
"Hi. My name is 'P2=G1(M1m2/r2^3)3' which is the universal law of phasic strength over distance accounting for gravity but you may call me '680'," the computer suddenly said.
"I am Abriketa," he said. Part of him, ancient commands from a queen long dead, wanted him to immediately storm out and kill this '680', but he ignored it, the command no longer having the power to induce anxiety or stress. "One of the facility security commanders. What of you?"
"I am a Technical Sergeant Grade Five with the Terran Confederate Military, specializing in computer system penetration and protection," the computer stated. It sounded different, like the words were almost tumbling over one another despite the steady cadence from the computer. "I'm only dataslicing your archive records so I can spare attention speak with you while I carry out my task."
"Are you real or is this another hallucination?" Abriketa asked.
He had once suffered hallucinations for the entire time he had been outside of the cryopod, his brain taking him back to the time he was in the creche learning to be a warrior caste. Not that the VI had cared. It had merely put him back in cryosleep.
"I'm real, but that's what a hallucination would say, isn't it?" the voice answered. "Huh, rare earth mining, like we suspected. Interesting, the liquid nickle-iron core is nearly 11% rare elements, down from 14%. You've been busy. Oops, sorry. What do you want to talk about?"
"Who are you?"
"I told you already. Call me 680, it takes forever for you non-technical types to say my name and you sound dorky," the voice said. It repeated the longer name, only with an accent that made the name sound mangled and stupid. "So, how long have you been here?"
Abriketa exhaled slowly through his abdomen, slumping down slightly. "Forever. I have been here forever. Since the Atrekna released their great war machines upon the Lanaktallan and us both, betraying us."
"So the Atrekna fired the first shot? Good to know. Willing to talk about it?" 680 asked. "Hang on, you've gotta be miserable."
Abriketa nodded. "I am indeed miserable."
The lights came on and the fans whirred to life. Abriketa felt warm air begin to circulate and sighed deeply.
"I thank you, 680," the massive mantid warrior said.
"How long have you been in the dark?" 680 asked.
"Since we slew the queens. We did not know that they had prepared for that eventuality and they entombed us all here, for all eternity," Abriketa asked. "The phasic regulators allow the computer to give orders to the mantid as if it was a queen. I am unable to countermand the computer's commands to the servitor castes."
"That's interesting," 680 said. "So the servitor caste's higher brain functions are controlled and suppressed?"
"Without the phasic regulator the servitor castes would return to primitive hunter gatherer reflexes," Abriketa said. He gave a sigh. "I so wish they could talk. I have been so lonely."
"Don't move. We have to reset the system. It'll come right back," 680 said.
The lights clicked off and the environmental system went dead.
Abriketa didn't care, still petting the servitor in his lap.
Even if it had only been a hallucination, being able to speak to another after so long meant he would die happy.
"How's it look?" Vuxten asked from where he was sitting in a chair designed for a massive mantid.
Addox had a good dozen green mantids huddled on his shoulders, on top of his helmet, and on his legs as he sat on the floor. Some were shivering, almost all of them were munching on turkey or beef jerky that Casey had ran off his nanoforge.
Another green mantid came in, started moving toward the computer, passed within a few feet of Addox and stopped. Its antenna lifted and it looked around, almost as if it was waking from a long sleep. It moved over next to another one of its kind.
"Food?" It asked.
"Is good," the one eating said. "Is turkey."
"Here, little guy," Addox said, holding out a piece of turkey. The little greenie took it and sat down next to its brethren.
"How's it look, Sergeant Addox?" Vuxten repeated.
"Pretty good. The phasic system is on its own dedicated systems, the software is all hard encoded, no way to patch it. It's different than the phasic systems used by the Confederacy to ensure no queen pops up and slams a hive-mind down on our Mantid allies and members," Addox said. Several little green servitors were in his lap and he was carefully petting them with one armored gauntlet. The ones on his lap had eaten more beef jerky and then gone to sleep. "If we want to disrupt it, we'll have to blow it in place."
"What about the active mantids? Any data on them?" Vuxten asked.
Addox nodded. "Three warrior caste are awake, pulled from cryostasis. That represents over half of the remaining warriors. No speakers, no queens, looks like most of the warriors and speakers were killed attacking the queens. There's about twenty active greenies, but the computer keeps sending them in here. There's only about fifty more in cryostasis. The remaining ones have largely succumbed to cryo-shock."
"How long?" Plunex asked.
"They've been down here for longer than anything I've ever seen. I'd say the Precursor War. They weren't hatched later. From the records 680 pulled, it looks like the computer would wake them up for emergencies it couldn't handle then refreeze them," Addox said. He gave a slight shudder. "They're the oldest living things I know of, frozen and thawed over and over for over a hundred million years."
"By the Digital Omnimessiah," Plunex said softly. "Talk about endless torment. May the Grave Bound Beauty comfort the damned."
Vuxten noticed that Casey was off to the side, doing something with a hologram projection. He shoved himself off of the chair and moved over to Casey.
"What are you doing, Sergeant Casey?" Vuxten asked.
Casey didn't look away from the hologram. "Back when I met Peak, oh, a hundred or so years back, she worked in psyops. Memetic Warfare Division," Casey said. He adjusted the colors slightly. "You've probably seen her handiwork a couple dozen times."
"OK," Vuxten said. The image was blurry to him, looked like it slightly overlapped itself over four columns.
"Well, explaining concepts to these guys is going to be difficult. We want to make sure they understand if they try to fight us, even if they overwhelm you and your people with their psychic power, Addox and I will rip them apart with our bare hands," Casey said. "Now, funny thing Peak taught me about memes is something I'm going to put to work."
Vuxten waited a moment. Finally, he tabbed up another piece of stimgum and sighed. "What's the weird thing, Sergeant?"
Casey shifted an image slightly. "OK, the more text on a meme, the less effective it is. Nobody wants to read your blathering manifesto, they want to look, laugh, and move on, or get the data quickly. The less words you use, the better. If you have a dual meme, they need to be on top of one another or side to side, instantly comparable, not 'turn over' or 'next page' crap," Casey said. He adjusted some of the lines again. "Now, a properly done image meme doesn't need text to convey its message. In some ways, the less words the more information you can have in the meme."
"What's the weird thing?" Vuxten repeated.
"A good, properly done meme, bypasses language and cultural barriers, even species barriers. We might not know anything about them, but there is a way to communicate, and that's memes," Casey said. "680 is talking to one through the computer, but the language drift and syntax morphology is damn near insurmountable outside of the computer. I want to make sure my meme works right and we don't have to fight these guys."
"So you're going to meme the warriors to death?" Vuxten asked.
"More like meme them to life," Casey said. He laughed. "There's an old classic song I could parody, right there."
"Think it'll work?" Vuxten asked.
"Might be a good idea to try this before we blow up the mountain, sir," Casey said, turning and giving a grin. "If it doesn't, I'm pretty sure we just blow the geothermal in place and ride out on a tsumani of lava."
"Hardy har har," Vuxten said, turning away. "Let me know when your magic meme is ready."
"I'll need a map of the facility, sir," Casey said, his voice distracted.
"Then I'll make sure you get it," Vuxten said.
General No'Drak moved into the situation room, putting a cigarette between his mandibles as he moved up to the holotank. He'd managed to get a good night's rest and a meal, but once again duty pulled him back.
The Precursors were largely defeated. Mopup was down to the infantry units. The tanks and strikers were largely cycled back for maintenance and crew relief.
Great Most High/General A'armo'o was requesting complete refit of his tanks. More than a refit, a "Service Life Extension" performed on them to bring them up to "parity or near-parity with Confederate allied military forces" that would require the least amount of retraining for his troops.
No'Drak considered it for a long moment. The decision was his, all the way to deciding if he wanted to offer a place in the Confederate military to the Lanaktallan soldiers.
It had proven highly effective in the case of the Warsteel Herd.
General No'Drak thumbed the approval button.
Next up was priority and No'Drak stared at it.
A list of template requests from that psycho Casey.
The most recent one was a recon drone with holoemitters calibrated for Mantid eyes. It had to be able to problem solve navigation issues, among other things, but didn't require a VI since his data bandwidth was low and depending on spooky particle boojums.
Oddly enough, there had also been a template request for turkey meat with Mantid vitamin additions as well as beef of the same kind.
General No'Drak frowned.
What are you up to? he asked.
Next up was notification that his request for a full Elven Court had been approved and was enroute from Telkan with an ETA of less than four days.
After that was meteorological reports on the damage all the atomic weapons and the Precursors had done to the ecosystem.
Well, at least there's going to be living people to worry about their ecosystem, No'Drak thought to himself as he settled in and began reading the reports.
Behind him, Second Most High Ge'ermo'o entered. He slaved his monitor to No'Drak's so he could see what decisions the General was making. No'Drak authorized it with a tap of his bladearm almost absently, noting the radiation levels in the sea water was far lower than initial projections.
Ge'ermo'o sat and watched the data Smokey 'No was looking over and contemplating why the Treana'ad officer made each decision he did.
He was a most observant officer, he was sure he could deduce, given time and information, each of General No'Drak's command decisions and the reasons behind them.
Cordexen opened his eyelids at the hissing noise. He looked at the door and saw the bright sparkle of a fusion torch cutting its way through the endosteel. It was a round half-circle, roughly the size of a russet servitor.
Cordexen reluctantly moved away from the air blowing through the vent and his fantasies of standing in a field of grass. He moved to his command chair and sat down, watching.
After a moment the metal fell to the floor. There was burst of mist and then the strangest thing rolled through the hole.
It had two tracks providing mobility. It was a large box with a row of infrared sensors with a pair of infrared projectors on each side to provide it with the ability to see. The little thing rolled into the middle of the room and shifted until it was facing him.
It suddenly played a little tune that Cordexen found pleasing. A mathematical arrangement of audible tones.
Suddenly a hologram flickered to life and Cordexen stared at it.
It was designed for his compound eyes to see clearly, the colors pleasing and well defined.
It was two columns of three pictures. Drawn, stylized pictures that made the subjects enjoyable to look at even if the colors were arranged in a slightly humorous fashion.
On the left it showed a warrior caste Mantid holding his rifle and pointing it at the door. The picture below showed bipeds and green servitors coming in and the warrior caste mantid shooting at them. The bottom picture showed the warrior caste mantid dead in the chair with little skulls for eyes and symbols of displeasure and sadness over the dead warrior.
On the right it showed the warrior mantid's rifle on the floor, the warrior mantid's arms and bladearms were lifted up. The one below showed the bipeds coming in and the warrior mantid holding a little stick with a square of white cloth on it and waving. The bottom picture showed the warrior mantid eating turkey with symbols indicating happiness around it.
They wish me to surrender or they will kill me, Cordexen thought. If I fight, they will kill me. They are familiar enough with my people to create this image. It can be clearly seen, the colors are pleasant, and the artistic style is stylized to be pleasing to me. They know my people and this message tells me that they will not only try to kill me if I resist, they know they can kill me.
He looked at the little robot and it played the tune again. This time the back opened and Cordexen flinched, expecting death to come from the little drone.
Instead it popped up a plas stick with a white cloth on it.
I would do anything just to see the sun once more, Cordexen thought.
He moved forward, picking up the flag from the little robot.
It made happy beeping noises.
The back slid open and steam billowed out. Cordexen jerked back reflexively. He could smell cooked meat, strange spices, and his sensitive antenna were almost overwhelmed by the first taste of something besides nutripaste he had sensed in lifetimes.
A cooked fowl raised up with a little triumphant tune.
"TuRkEy Is DeLiCiOuS" appeared above the little robot in maintenance runes. It turned and clattered away as Cordexen took his two prizes and returned to his command chair.
At the first bite Cordexen had admit the robot was right.
Turkey was delicious.
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submitted by Ralts_Bloodthorne to HFY [link] [comments]

Board games night with my sister

I need some advice from fellow childfree people who are also not total child haters.
A few months ago my husband (35) and I (36) went to stay with my older sister (38) and her family (husband and two sons, 1 & 3). She invited us to stay for the weekend and wanted to have a take away curry and play some board games after the kids went to bed. Normal adult activities and my idea of a fun Saturday evening. Also the kind of stuff we used to do before they had children.
We spent all day entertaining the kids (exhausting and tbh started to get a bit tedious after a couple of hours. There’s a reason my husband and I are CF!) and my sister said a few times how nice it was to spend time with adults. I’m sure it was for her, but for me it was a very kiddie centric weekend. You guys know the drill - the adults try to talk but the parents are never focussed on a convo and the kids command attention all the time. We all end up spending all day building block towers and asking the three year old to name colours.
When it came to curry and board game time we set it up and started playing, but had to keep stopping when one of the kids or both of them woke up and needed settling. It’s pretty difficult to play a board game when one or two of the players keeps leaving the room. And it’s not like you can just skip their go or remove them from game without causing some disruption.
After a while of leaving and coming back my sister said she was tired, couldn’t continue to play anymore and wanted to go to bed. So we gave up the game and watched some trash TV instead. When we left at the end of the weekend I was also tired and felt flat - like I had wasted my entire weekend. I do love my little nephews, but toddlers and babies bore me silly. I have older nephew (6) and niece (11) on my husbands side and I much prefer their company. Although I still cravings for adult only time when they’re around too.
Fast forward a few months I mentioned on a family group chat that my husband and I have learnt a cool new board game. My sister messaged me saying she’d love to have us over for another board game night. To be honest I’m not keen. It’s just not that fun.
I replied saying “Yeah we’d be up for that! Is it actually possible tho? Last time we came up for that we didn’t manage to get a full game in.”
She responded saying that it would be fine if we started playing straight after the boys went to bed.
Hmmm - I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what we did last time.
My question to you guys is how do I let her know nicely that I’m just not up for doing that whilst the kids are so small and demanding??? Should I just be honest that it’s not that fun for us?
submitted by CaroDeCrembles to truechildfree [link] [comments]

My first time as a GM, and the best way to boot a jackass.

Content Warning: Mentions of rape/corrective rape
This is my first time posting here, and I wouldn't say it's a doozy, but it's a pretty good story.
So I GM an indie game called Prowlers and Paragons on a Discord server I'm part of. The server is predominantly LGBTQ+ individuals and a few allies, so we have super strict rules about game behavior. Namely, no being a dick, no rape scenes, no racism, no deadnaming, and only villains are allowed to do any of that because, duh, they're villains.
Prowlers and Paragons is basically superheroes. I host a bi-weekly long campaign, and a weekly drop-in short campaign for anyone who wants to try it.
Enter a guy we will call Jack. (Because he was a jackass.)
Jack was already on thin ice as a shitty ally on the server. He was showing himself to be kind of a dick in the chats, but nothing overtly homophobic/transphobic. I cautiously let him into the game, and reminded everyone (but mostly Jack) of the rules.
Jack makes a grimdark styled anti-hero, some kind of weird, tortured genius who's just out for himself. Okay, cool, you can do that, just remember the rules.
Well, I should have known better. Jack caused problems the whole game. The spinner landed on "Nazis" (to everyone's delight for some reason), and Jack kept asking if he could switch sides and fight for the bad guys. No, Jack, not in the short campaign. He deliberately gets in other players' ways, actively tries to sabatoge the fight, and generally makes a nuisance of himself.
Eventually, about 30 minutes into this, I say the Nazis run off, just so I can get control of the game again and assess if he should even be here. Is he being deliberately troll like, or just dense?
Then Jack starts in.
"Hey, can I rape [lesbian player's character] straight?"
Excuse me?!
"It's just what my character would do!"
"Jack, last warning. I don't want to hear shit like that again."
Everyone is chiding him, calling him out for his bullshit. A reminder that corrective rape is an actual issue for LGBTQ+ people, and at least one person in this group has actually experienced this.
"Nah, I'm gonna do it."
"Well, Jack, unfortunately the Nazis left a small explosive on the roof of the building above you. It goes off, knocks a large part of the roof over and falls on you. You're dead. Now get out."
I reported him to the admins, and he was booted from the server.
And we've had enjoyable games ever since.
submitted by thestashattacked to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

Basic Guide on how to configure your: interface, gameplay & graphics settings, ability bars and combat fundamentals.


Hello There! Today i want to share with you a guide i’ve been making for the last couple months. The purpose of this guide is helping out new, returning and even veteran players navigate the user interface menu, the gameplay and graphics settings, along helping out new players configure their very own ability bars; wether they're in F2P or Member worlds and, help them undertand some of the fundamentals behind them, all that information who sometimes can get a little overwhelming due the sheer amount of it.
"This is the default" new player interface" (image credits: The RS Wiki)".
With that being said, this guide contains a couple of “Cheatsheets” along the way, carefully designed to contain as much information and visual examples as possible in order to enrich and make each section of this guide easier to understand. Now, without further ado, let’s get right into it.


Undoubtedly, one of the most important things of any game; regardless of its genre, is the user interface, as this is where all your controls, buttons and vital information is found. As a new RuneScape player, you’re welcomed with a rather confusing interface where Everything seems to be all over the place (as seen on the image above) without clear indication of what it does.
The majority of the time, when you arrive as a fresh player, the first hour or so is spent on “figuring out” what everything does by trial and error and, by the end of it, you end up even more confused, and with plenty of time invested.
Now, if you take a look at the First Cheatsheet below, you’ll notice there’s a lot of windows and information scattered all over the place, but don’t be afraid as i’ll guide you through them in the next couple of paragraphs.
"This is a general overview of your user interface and its many windows".

To get things started, you’ll need to focus your attention to the “Main Chatbox window” (that adorable yellow window on the corner of the cheatsheet), here you’ll be Reading all the information displayed in game, be it a Goblin Examine text, your friends flexing their Chickens Killcount, an in-game annoucnement, a rare drop, a skill level up or a message telling you about how you burnt those shrimps (again). This is where all of the wordplay comes alive, but don’t fret about receiving lots of spam because you can filter those messages by clicking on the first button of this handy header bar; for more information about these icons, refer to the mini-cheatsheet below
"Here's the magic behind the Chat Message filters".
Returning to the Yellow Window, there you can also drag and drop your friend’s, group or clan chat windows, the cool thing about it is that you can configure it to your heart’s content and see what works best for your playstyle; wether if you want to have only your friends chat window, or if you prefer to talk to your clan, the choice is yours.

Moving on, we have the Green and Purple windows, where you can see your Main Action Bar (who might be minimized, so click on the top right yellow icon to maximize it) alongside your Auxiliary action bars (more on that later, I promise), to not delve too much into what these action bars do, they allow you to cast your combat abilities, use items directly from them (if they have an associated keybind) use prayers/ancient curses to help you in combat and even use teleports to different locations. Sounds amazing right? That’s why it’s recommended to have these windows on the center of your screen and in your line of sight.

The Blue window contains your inventory, which also contains your items; such as food, potions, Weapon Switches, Logs, Raw fish and all those burnt shrimps you made earlier (yum!), this window should also be within your line of sight in order to keep track of all the items you’re carrying.

The Red window is equally important as it serves as an expansion for both your inventory; if you’re using a "beast of burden" familiar, or your ability spellbooks; if you’re not using a familiar. As you make your way through the game, you’ll unlock a wide array of useful familiars (through the Summoning Skill) which can help you with your skilling (by offering invisible boosts), with combat (by offering Passive abilities and Powerful special attacks) and, some of them are sworn to carry your burdens (namely the Terrorbirds, War Tortoise, Pack Yak and Pack Mammoths, known as Beasts of Burden), the latter can help you bring extra food to your Bossing trips, or even help you stay longer at certain skilling spots, so you can stay there a bit longer without needing to visit your bank as often.
You can customize your familiar options by right clicking on the Summoning Medallion (That Blue Icon with a Wolf Head). When you’re not using a familiar, switch to the other tabs, as these will help you use abilities you couldn’t include in your main action bars. If you’re not doing any of the above, then drag and drop the Music tab here, that way you can enjoy some amazing tracks while you play (and i can’t stress this enough, give the RuneScape OST a try, is really, really, really worth a listen, after all it contains Sea Shanty 2, what else could you ask for!?).

The small Mint Green window is your ribbon bar, here you can unlock your interface (by clicking on the little lock icon) and this will let you re-arrange the interface windows to your liking, on the cheatsheet you can see a standard “Bottom right corner” style, which isn’t too terrible and a good foundation to change and improve progressively throughout your playthrough.

The Orange window contains your Skills levels, Prayers/Ancient curses (useful when you’re in combat) and your Drop log/RuneMetrics stats, which helps you keep track of your items or damage/XP. During cerain Minigames or Treasure trails, the interface also goes here, so it helps you out by keeping track of those interfaces in a comfortable spot.

The Light blue window just above the orange one is your equipment window, here you can see a mini-you version of your character alongside the items you have currently equipped.

Finally, the Golden window on the upper right corner displays the minimap, here you can see where you stand in the current area. And it helps you change skyboxes, filters, open the world hop interface (if you want to switch to a more active/quiet world) and Teleport to the various Lodestones you have unlocked. Once again, make sure you right click every single icon here, you’ll find plenty of useful and cool options to try out.

Now, leaving all these interface windows to the side, there’s a useful tool known as the “Developer console”, which can be accessed by pressing the Keys [Alt] + [¬] (the key on the left of the number 1 key and below the ESC key) or the keys [Option] + [< >] if you’re using a MAC computer.
The purpose of the Developer console is to display some performance information of your game, like the amount of FPS you’re getting, how much memory is the game consuming, how much of the Game Disk Cache has been downloaded; and if the game’s still downloading the cache files, and Finally, it shows your ping.
In order for the Developer console to display all that information, you’ll need to type one of the following commands, keep in mind these are typed without spaces or caps:
Command Action
commands Lists available commands.
help Lists available commands.
cls Clears the developer console screen.
displayfps Toggles the frames per second (FPS) counter and alll information above-mentioned.
displayfpsfull Toggles the same data of the previous command, but adds expandable graphs.
displayfpssmall Only toggles you FPS counter without any extra information
renderer Shows information about your graphic card renderer and its capabilities
getcamerapos Showls the location and the direction of the game camera; mostly used in bug reports.
deletejs5caches Deletes the ENTIRE game cache, you will need to redownload all of it once again if you delete it.
enablesnow Enables the snow particle effect in the developer console.
disablesnow Disables the snow effect.
If you type the command a second time, the information window will be hidden and, in order to close the developer console, just click the same combination of keys used to open it.


All of those windows shown on the bottom half of the Cheatsheet above, represent a different interface that will appear in the game at some point; like your bank interface, dialogue windows, xp counters, achievements, level up progress icons, loot interface, and many more. The arrangement showcased in the cheatsheet is just an example aimed to make each of these windows easier to find.
You can resize some of these windows and re-locate them to an specific spot that suits your playstyle. Once you are done make sure to click [SAVE AND EXIT] and then on the [SAVE LAYOUT] option select the Custom interface of your choosing; called [MY CUSTOM 1/2/3/ETC], this way you can have multiple layouts for different activities.
In order to access the layout windows editor, you just need to click the ESC key and click on the [EDIT LAYOUT MODE] option, from there, click the [ADVANCED OPTIONS] button, and check the various windows you want to display, overall it’s just a matter of resizing and rearranging them to your heart’s content.


You may have seen a couple of amazing screenshots on the subreddit or the Steam community page, yes, those screenshots that are “wallpaper worthy” and take your breath away. In order to make your PC run in such a beautiful fashion, you will need to understand what each setting does and how it impacts the game performance; because as you’d might expect, higher graphics can take a heavy toll on your PC, and in some old laptops, they can even match your frying pan’s temperature (ideal for some shrimp cooking/burning).
By default, and once you run the game for the first time, it will run an “Auto Setup” to determine which option works best for your PC, however, you may still want to customize a couple of settings here and there, as some of these options may only provide minimal improvements at the expense of a smoother performance. On the following Cheatsheet, i’ll explain all of these options in detail alongside some visual examples.
The Current available screen resolutions are: [950 x 540], [1920 x 1080] and [2560 x 1440], the [Fullscreen mode] will use the entire area of the screen and, [Windowed] mode, will let you resize the game window to your liking.
"Here's where you can configure your graphics to look as good as they can, or optimize the performance of your PC by lowering them".
One of the most impactful settings on the game is the [DRAW DISTANCE]; which can be helpful on some Bossing arenas (like Solak, Nex: Angel of Death, Raids, Araxxor, Elite Dungeons and The Wilderness; to see potential attackers on the horizon), paired with a camera set on [FREEDOM - CLASSIC] mode, will let you see your target’s a lot more clearly. Overall, i’d recommend something like Medium or High depending on your PC specs. But, If you have a bottlenecked PC or laptop, choose the lower setting.
  • Vsync
[Vsync] or Vertical Synchronization, will help you prevent screen tearing in your game by matching the frame rate of the game and your monitor refresh rate, for this feature keep in mind the following: if you set your game at 120 FPS but only have a 60 Hz monitor, you won’t be able to see any extra FPS, but, if you were to play on a 144Hz monitor, you will be able to see those 120 FPS. [Here's a quick video about this topic].
On the other hand, [Antialiasing quality], will help you produce a smoother image quality, but, for the most part, this feature won’t be really noticeable unless you zoom your camera very close, and given how impactful this setting is, it’s adviced to turn it off if you’re having performance issues.
The [Antialiasing mode] included in the game are the high performance option [FXAA] which is slightly less taxing than the [MSAA] option; which consumes a bit more of resources, and the combination of [FXAA+MSAA] which makes certain objects in the game blurry.
The next couple of settings are [Lighting detail] and [Bloom], in the most essential sense of the word, these settings will only help you produce a more realistic image, by simulating accurate light bounces on a specific areas and objects and “Enhancing light sources" (like suns, moons, fires and lava), keep in mind tho, the latter can be pretty aggresive to the eyes, so use moderately.
[Anisotropic Filtering], what this setting does is add a little more of detail to far away objects by making them sharper the higher this filter goes, for instance, if set to [OFF], far off textures will look slightly blurry, whereas in a high setting [16x] these far off textures will look sharper and nicer. In a similar fashion to Draw distance, if the game performance starts to dwindle down, it’s recommended to set this setting to OFF.
Your [Foreground FPS], will define the amount of FPS your game will output and, like mentioned in the [Vsync] setting paragraph, one must take the Monitor refresh rate (Hz) into consideration when setting the amount of FPS desired. Similarly, the [Background FPS] should be set to a low number, because this is the amount of FPS you game will run at when you’re not actively playing the game (or in other words, when the game is running in the background while you "AFK").
The [Interface Scaling Setting] is mainly used for bigger monitors where your interface may look small, the higher this setting, the bigger your interface will be displayed at.
The game [Shadows] setting is pretty self explanatory, as it will display the environment shadows of a particular area. Disabling this setting will make the game look “flat” and slightly similar to the Oldschool RuneScape graphics. it is also suggested to disable this setting if you’re experiencing performance issues.
The [Shadow Quality] on the other hand, will only work if you have enabled the in game shadows and this setting will help define their “sharpness”, with [ULTRA] being the better looking one, or [LOW] which makes them slightly “blurrier”. The shadows setting can be somewhat taxing to your PC or Laptop, so disable this setting if you’re experiencing a poor performance.
Depending on your personal preference, you can either enable the game [Loading Screens] or just disable them entirely.
[Terrain Blending] is, in simple terms, a setting that allows the different floor textures to “blend together” in order to make them more fluid, if this setting is turned OFF, Textures will automatically get disabled aswell.
The [Smooth Camera Fade] is a setting only visible when certain objects get “cut” by your camera zoom; like walls, trees, rocks, buildings, etc.], the purpose of this setting is to “smoothen” the look of these cut objects, but other than that, it doesn’t really change anything important.
[Mouse over entity highlights] this setting consists of an “outline” that appears around anything “clickable” when hovering the cursor over it. Depending on the object (item/npc/players/etc.), it will appear as a different colour, e.g: for the majority of NPC’s, it will appear as a Yellow outline, for interactable objects like Fishing Spots, Trees, Archaeology Hotspots, etc, the outline colour will be Cyan, on the other hand attackable NPC’s will glow with a Red outline when clicked.
[Remove roofs] is a setting that will remove the roofing and first floors from the buildings in the game, you can either set it to [ALL] to remove it from all buildings, or [SELECTIVELY] to remove them only after entering these buildings.
[Water detail] in short, the [LOW] setting makes the water look like a flat surface, without reflections or depth and it gets progressively "realistic" by adding more reflectivity: [MEDIUIM] to [ULTRA], keep in mind this setting is also taxing, so adjust according to your preference.
[Ambient occlusion] simply put, this setting determines how much lighting should a space have depending on its features in order to make it more realistic. [SSAO] (Screen Space) is the least demanding, while [HBAO] (Horizon Based) has a higher performance hit. [OFF] would be the best option if you don’t mind losing this little feature in order to maximize the performance.
[Textures] this setting only has two options available, with those being [OFF] and [Compressed], disabling textures in the game will make everything look like a mesh of polygons without depth or detail, therefore, this can also greatly improve the performance of your game.
[Volumetric Light], this setting adds more realism to light emitting sources on certain skyboxes (like the suns or moons); similar to the Bloom setting, this feature depends, mostly, on personal preference and only if the brighter effects are desired.
[Game rendering Scaling] the higher this setting goes, the higher the overall image quality will look, however, this can be somewhat taxing for your computer. On the other hand, a lower setting will make the overall image quality look blurred out, but will increase the performance. Therefore, it’s recommended to leave this setting at 100% and adjust based on your performance and preference.
[Custom Cursors] to keep it simple, these custom cursors are the iconic RuneScape icons displayed when hovering your mouse over literally anything in the game, like the attack icons, the food icons, the “use item” icon, among others.
[Ground decoration], the purpose of this setting is to add more elements to certain areas of the game to make it more “rich looking”, things like Grass, Pebbles, Flowers, etc, are added to the ground.
[Depth of field], this setting is often seen in photography, and what it does in RuneScape is blur far off objects in order to make them look less “Sharp” on the horizon and, provide a more pleasant effect. Keep in mind tho, this setting is only available if you have your draw distance setting on [ULTRA] or [HIGH].
In short terms [Tree canopy fade] will fade out any and all Tree canopies around the character, in order to prevent the canopies from obstructing the visibility of the character.
  • Futher information about the graphics settings
If you'd like to learn more about these settings, check out the following RS Wiki Link.
"All videos linked on this section belong to their respective authors, if you liked their content, consider subscribing to their channels, I do not take any credit on the content displayed and, my only goal is to provide useful information to new, returning and veteran player audiences".


Finally, now that your user interface is stablished and, you understand what each of the graphical settings does in your game, let's move on to the Combat abilities and their fundamentals.
Keep in mind though, the ability bars shown on the cheatsheet require some levelling up and questing in order to fully unlock their potential and, as a new player, you'll have access to their "lesser variants" but, as you level up, these lesser variants will be replaced by the actual abilities.
Anyways, i highly recommend one of your early goals in the game becomes unlocking as many combat abilities as you can by levelling up and doing your quests, as these ability bars will allow you to get into bossing later on.
Quest Lists Description
[Quests currently available] There are a total of 229 quests with 40 free and 189 members-only quests
[Quest skill requirements] Breakdown by skills
[Quest Completion Order] This is a guide including the best order to complete your quests according to your levels
[Quest series] Includes all series and plotlines
[Items & misc. rewards] Useful and convenient items
[Experience Rewards] Good to achieve those extra levels
[Quest walkthrough YT playlist] [Created by: ImSikovit]
There's a couple of abilities you can unlock naturally while levelling up (as shown on the cheatsheet) and some of these are exclusive to a certain combat style and weapons (namely Two-Handed and Dual Wield Weapons), some of these abilities are unlocked by doing quests, and some of these are bought at the Grand Exchange or from other players, but some may be more expensive than others, [so always do your research on the current market prices], ALWAYS, DO, YOUR, RESEARCH before buying or selling items, because some prices shown in the Grand Exchange or Trade Offer price window may not be 100% accurate, specially for new or low volume items.
"Getting to know your abilities, and your ability bars".
You may notice these bars are “Revolution bars”, but what is Revolution Mode? Well, in the most basic sense of the word, Revo will automatically trigger your combat abilities as soon as they become available, going from left to right, and after the Global Cooldown has lapsed.
However, there's 3 ways of using the Revolution combat mode, you can customize if you want Revo to activate your Basic, Threshold or Ultimate abilities in the combat settings menu (more on that later):
  1. The first one is used if you want to cast your Threshold abilities manually (making combat slightly more engaging), this means, Revolution will only activate your basic abilities (inside the yellow outline), any Threshold ability included inside this yellow outline won’t get activated as you will need to activate it yourself.
  2. The second one, is allowing Revolution to use Threshold and Basic Abilities, This method is preferred in order to let the game do its own thing while you just manage your HP Points, Prayer Points, Prayers or curses and manually activate your Ultimate Abilities.
  3. The final method is letting Revolution activate all kind of abilities automatically without any kind of manual input, however, sticking to this combat mode of Revolution can make it harder for you to progress further into “Full Manual” later on.
On that note, Revolution Mode exclusively for basics is quite good and a perfect middle ground as its learning curve should prove engaging and exciting, while also making room for improvement in the long run and transitioning into full manual.
With enough practice you'll reach a point where you may want to actively use all your basics abilities and jump naturally into full manual or, you could keep using revolution for basics whilst you activate some of the basics and threshold abilities yourself. Invariably, it really depends on your playstyle but keep this in mind:
“There is no correct way of playing RuneScape, there's just efficient methods, but even these keep changing and evolving over time, that's the true beauty of the game. It's an ever evolving game that you can play any way you want.”
[Alrighty then, with that being said, feel free to try out all of your abilities and build some ability bars, step by step, little by little].
On a similar topic, you have the Global Cooldown, which is divided in 3 sections (as shown in the Cheatsheet GCD Diagram), and the Ability Queueing.
With [ABILITY QUEUEING] enabled (in your Combat Settings), you can hit any Ability anywhere within the #1 and #2 Global Cooldown sectors; shown above, and it will fire once the GCD is done (you’ll know it’s done once all of your abilities “blink”).
If you were to cast your abilities once the GCD is at the beginning of Sector #3, and you had [ABILITY QUEUEING] enabled, your abilities will fire automatically without being queued.
Without [ABILITY QUEUEING], in order to fire your abilities you’ll need to cast them once the GCD timer is at the end of Sector #2 (or 2/3 of the way), as this will make your abilities fire once the GCD ends.


Dual Wield Weapons are worn with both hands, Main Hand and Off-Hand, also, all shields and defenders are always worn in the Off-Hand Slot.

  • For melee the difference is quite simple:
2H swords help with AOE (Area of effect abilities) with Halberds being the absolute best 2h weapons to kill various mobs of monsters.
"Quick diagram about weapons area of effect damage and Bakriminel Bolts".

  • For ranged, the difference lies in the type of ammunition each weapon can use:
2H Bows & Longbows use arrows and some special bows (dubbed chargebows) generate their own ammunition, so you don't have to worry about it.
There's also "Shieldbows", who allow the usage of defensive abilities aswell as offensive abilities.
On the other hand, 2H Crossbows use bolts instead of arrows and this opens up a lot of cool bolts called Bakriminel bolts, which can be enchanted in order to activate some amazing and useful effects.
These bolts are what make 2H Crossbows a better pick than 2H Bows, as there's no special arrows for these Weapons; besides the "Blackstone Arrows", that applies a defense debuff to the target for 12 minutes or until it gets defeated.
On a similar note to DW Melee, Defenders (called reprisers for their ranged variant) help a lot with weapon switching, but also it benefits from a weapon called mechanized chinchompa, which makes each ability an AOE ability.

  • For the Magic weapons:
Mage follows the same rules but the 2H weapons are called Staves, on Mage's case, there's no big difference on the AOE damage abilities as both 2H and DW share the same ones (with a difference in certain thresholds abilities), and both weapons use the same spellbook abilities, so it boils down to each weapon effect and if you want to use a versatile playstyle by using a Wand + Defender (called rebounder in Mage's case), or a Shield. Sadly there's no chinchompas for magic but you there's a wide array of disruptive spells than can aid you in battle.
Each set of weapons enable the usage of specific Abilities and each weapon comes with their own subset of special effects, some weapons don't have them though.
For instance: 2H Swords are good for AOE Damage and when facing multiple foes at once, you can benefit from the Abilities: Hurricane, Quake and Meteor Strike to deal damage around you, but if you want to maximize the amount of targets you'll hit, you may want to use a Halberd Weapon.
If you're interested into more in-depth information about quests, game progression, tips, tricks & guides, feel free to visit the links below, to read more about these topics:
Video topic Author
[Keybinds for PVM] The RSGuy
[The Global Cooldown] Pixel Green
[Tutorial about unlocking important abilities] Sage Vanburo
[Tutorial about unlocking Shattered Worlds Abilities] Protoxx
[Bakriminel Bolts basics] Teh Proez
[Bakriminel Bolts Comprehensive Analysis] Teh Proez
"All videos linked on this section belong to their respective authors, if you liked their content, consider subscribing to their channels, I do not take any credit on the content displayed and, my only goal is to provide useful information to new, returning and veteran player audiences".


The Settings menu is divided into 5 different groups: [GAMEPLAY], [GRAPHICS], [CONTROLS], [AUDIO] and the [RIBBON]. On the following cheatsheets i'll showcase each option found on the [GAMEPLAY] tab and their function. Some of them will be images (as they're self explanatory and explain what they do) and others will be brief explanations on what each setting does, in order to make all these options easier to read and follow.
Under the [GAMEPLAY] Tab you'll find 8 Different subgroups (7 in the NXT client and 8 on the Steam Client), in the following table i'll explain in detail what each subgroup does:

"The various settings tabs".
Subgroup Description
Interfaces Fundamentally, this setting allows you to customize the look of your interface windows, filter which interfaces and warning screens should appear in game, how certain items will behave when using them (like keeping vials after decanting potions or emptying buckets when using the farming skill), you can choose which buff bar icons show up and if you want to display the Game Clock or not.
Combat & Action Bar Here you can change your combat modes (like Revolution and Full Manual, or the Legacy Combat Mode similar to the Old Fashioned combat mode), you can change your action bars visibility and ability queueing, alongside your action bar binding (which automatically changes your main action bar depending on the style of weapon you’re wielding), you can also change what kind of XP you get from combat, the way you attack other npc’s and your targeting settings along the colors your hitsplats (for aesthetic purposes).
Camera Another essential feature you will find here is the camera mode, here you can choose the camera zoom modes which are extremely beneficial when fighting large Monsters (so you can see them better) alongside the sensitivity of your camera.
Skills & Experience A lot of skills come with their own set of mechanics; from finding specicif parts of a mattock, to the amount of bosses you’ll be assigned for your reaper task and if they’re solo bosses or group bosses, all of these settings help you customize the way you interact with these skills.
Messages & Social On this setting you can customize what kind of messages you’ll receive on login, during your game sesión, from your friends, clan, private and groups chat. You can also customize the colors of each message, the broadcasts from your friends, clan chat, or anyone in the same world, and also, you can customize the events that will be tracked by your “Runemetrics” profile.
Item Drops This setting allows you to customize your Loot System interface (along various filtering options), you can also customize your lootbeams (pillars of light that let you know when you got an expensive item; defined manually, or a rare/unique drop), on the other hand, you can also customize if you want to receive Clue Scrolls or not, i’d highly recomment checking all of the checkboxes, as “Treasure Trails” are an amazing activity (and very profitable too) you can also enable lootbeams so you don’t miss out any of them.
Legacy This option lets you customize your interface colors, minimap icons, skillcape models, and combat mode, to make it reminiscent of the old version of the game (the one you may remember from 2011).
Third Party This is an exclusive option for the Steam Client, what it does is show the world you’re currently playing on (for instance World #2 or World #84) in your friend’s list status.


"The first part of the settings menu windows".

"The second part of the settings menu windows".
For more information on the topic feel free to visit the Wiki Link.


RuneScape is a game built around “freedom”, and all of these interfaces, ability bars and settings reflect that, while there’s no absolute best configuration, keybinds or interface, it’s always a good practice to try everything out and learn through testing, in order to find out the best results for our needs.
Whether you’re a new player strolling around the Free to Play towns, or you just bought your membership and are stretching your legs around the member’s only locations, everything you learned from this guide will help you.
One of the commonly asked questions i’ve seen posted on the subreddit and the discussion forums are: how to make as much GP/Hr? What kind of gear to buy, and in which order? What kind of bosses to fight for a given set of Levels? and, while the answers are changing constantly (as prices shift all the time and the Metagame evolves), invariably it comes to the same conclusion, which is:
“What you can do and how consistently.“
On the following links you can find complimentary information like Gear & Bosses Progression and a plethora of useful links, tips & tricks:

However, before trying out these methods and finding out how consistently you can do them, one must start from the very basics of the game, understand how the game works and how to make it as reliable as possible whilst also looking as best as it can, and that’s the purpose of this guide, to teach you, the player, what every setting does, how does it impact your game experience and, showing you the fundamentals of the ability bars. The other half will come from your own experiences and how you expand on these foundations.
With that being said, Thank you for passing by, i wish you the best of luck and i hope you found this guide useful, see you all around and take care!
submitted by Concordia_chaos to runescape [link] [comments]

$TAKOF - Drone Delivery Canada DD

$TAKOF - Drone Delivery Canada DD
tl;dr: $TAKOF is taking off and going places. Rockets (or batteries) have been fueled – up we go! I’m not a financial advisor and this is not investment advice.
(Sources in comments)
Longer version
My investment strategy is finding a stock that will perform well in medium/long term. I usually try to take profits or cut losses within one year, so look for companies that should benefit from what is happening around the world (be it Covid, green revolution, retail industry tendencies). Today I’ll share my opinion about future of deliveries.
For quite a while there has been a buzz around drone deliveries. Be it Amazon Prime Air, UPS Flight Forward, DHL Parcelcopter (my favorite because of this ridiculous name), Boeing’s Matternet… Everyone with the capacity to is trying to jump on this ship. You can read more about latest developments and companies working in Source 1.
Why there’s such race to develop unmanned cargo air vehicles and autonomous flight technology you might ask? Well, drone doesn’t get sick, can workday and night, it doesn’t have to take breaks or spend half of it’s time chatting around or staring at its phone. It also doesn’t need any contributions to its pension fund or healthcare insurance (needs insurance nevertheless, but technical insurances should come at much better rate than insuring a ball of flesh against all that world could throw at it). Finally, drones don’t care if there’s pandemic raging outside or boogaloo boys are stepping on the grass around some government building.
Drone comes off for the buyer as a one-time purchase cost, thus saving loads of cash in the lung run. Many businesses are taking more ‘green’ approach to their business and calculate their CO2 footprint. Given that drones are powered by electricity (all the attention to the renewable energy, wink wink) it would also help business to boast about reducing carbon footprint while improving their efficiency.
One might think of one issue here: drones are cool and stuff, but what about the battery - it might not be able to cover required distance? Worry not, there are already solutions for this. Mainly ultra-fast charging stations (charge time: 5 minutes) or wireless charging hotspots (charge time: 6 minutes). Check out Source 2 and Source 3.
All in all I believe that drones have a bright future ahead of them and $TAKOF is one of the players in this industry.
Company: Founded in 2014, Drone Delivery Canada has developed a proprietary and patented turnkey drone delivery solution. The company is fully commercialized, operational, and revenue generating.
DDC has developed a drone delivery platform solution which is cost effective, highly scalable and can provide next generation logistic services to various market sectors including: retail, ecommerce, parcel & post, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, mining, oil & gas, logistics companies, Indigenous Communities, military and government agencies, in Canada and internationally. The Company’s patented, fully integrated hardware/software platform is used as a managed service in a SaaS business model. Drone Delivery Canada is fully commercialized, operational and revenue-generating, with a robust sales funnel of global prospects.
So far, the company has signed test flight agreements with several major corporations. A medical facility in Ontario, two remote First Nations communities in the same province, GlobalMedic, and Air Canada have all agreed to test the company’s drones. Last year, it also struck a partnership with European logistics/transport group DSV Panalpina A/S.
Latest Catalysts: Drone Delivery Canada plans to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into its disruptive drone delivery solution (Source 4); Drone Delivery Canada has been named to the 2021 OTCQX® Best 50 (Source 5); In January 2021, the FAA added new rules to 14 CFR Part 107 to permit the expansion of routine flights and created four categories of UAS for flights over suburban/urban areas (Source 6)
Upcoming Catalysts: release of Q4 and 2020 results; in July company started process to entering US market – at some point there will be announcement if this is a success.
Industry Catalyst: establishment of a legal basis for unmanned cargo air vehicles, battery technology and wireless charging developments.
Research by Goldman Sachs suggests the market potential could be as big as US$100 billion (CA$130 billion). Meanwhile, startups in the sector are nearly all worth less than $1 billion today (source 7 – claims $TAKOF has multi-bagger also discusses $TAKOF cash position).
Source 8
I saw following stock valuation, but can’t find source for it:
Summary: $TAKOF is ready for a take off! It’s literally in their name. 3 rockets.
Seriously, given all the craziness in the current market I wouldn’t rule out this reaching $10 in the next months. Especially if expansion to US is confirmed.
My position: 1k shares at $1.22
That’s it. Now do your own DD. I’m not a financial advisor and this is not investment advice.
submitted by Invnsbl123 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

TIFU by sending memes to Christian girls

So I (21F) was in 9th grade when this actually happened but it’s still one of the funniest things that’s ever happened to me (maybe not so funny at the time, but hindsight is 20/20).
I had just moved to a new district for the start of high school because I hated nearly everyone from my middle school and I was ready for a fresh start. During one of my classes, I started chatting with the girl sitting next to me (let’s call her Gabby). She was very sweet and offered that I sit with her and her friends during lunch. I took her up on that offer and I became friends with the group. This specific group was 3 super-Christian girls (I’m Jewish fyi) and a few other girls that weren’t so uptight. They were all very nice, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve never been friends with very religious people and I quickly found out that they aren’t my type. In addition to all the females, there was a group of 3 guys that would come and join us most of the time for lunch as well. These guys were a lot more my type. Raunchy, offensive and dark sense of humor. Naturally, I drifted more towards them as time moved. Regardless, we all had a group chat, initially for making plans but I used mostly to talk to the guys.
To move on to the next part, I quickly need to identify two more people (changing their names for privacy). First, there’s Jessica, lead super-Christian who I initially thought was very sweet. Then there’s Rosen, one of the guys who also had a thing for me. Back to the story.
As I previously described, I didn’t have the most innocent sense of humor and I liked pushing boundaries and pressing people’s buttons. Yes, I grew out of it, but it was 2014 and I was a high schooler who wanted to seem cool to the new group of guys I was trying to bond with. So, I sent a regrettable meme to the group chat in order to do just that. What was the meme?
A photo of large, pink dildo, that instead of balls at the end, had a crucified Jesus Christ, and a caption that said “If you’re empty in your soul, put Jesus in your hole”.
I don’t know WHY I thought that would end well, and I was definitely pushing some buttons, but it was a hilarious photo and the guys clearly thought so. After my photo, Rosen decided to pitch in to the chaos and sent a link to the chat with a message saying “DO NOT PRESS THE LINK”. As you can imagine, seeing as we’re talking about the sense of humor of a 14 year old boy, it was a link of an overweight, brown guy with his cock out. Not as elegant as my meme, I must say, but it did the trick. Jessica texted the group chat asking us to please stop and we did, we got our laughs and we didn’t actually intend to offend her. I thought that would be that, but I was sorely mistaken.
The next day at school, my teacher approaches me and asks me to go to the principal’s office. My heart stopped and I was filled with dread. I’m really not a troublemaker and I had no CLUE what I did wrong. Trembling, I made my way down to the principal’s office, and was led into a room where there was not one, not two, but THREE police officers. My heart was slamming against my chest, I wanted to vomit at this point. I took a seat and the police questioned what I sent to the group chat. Realizing that this is what this whole situation is about, I clearly stated “A picture of a Jesus dildo”. Trying to hide their amusement, the officers told me off, saying to respect other people and be mindful of what I send. I was out within 5 minutes, and as I was walking back towards my class I saw Rosen making HIS way to the principals. I stopped in my tracks and asked “What are you doing here?!” to which he responded “What are YOU doing here?”. I explained the situation and we realized he must have gotten busted as well for that link. I wished him luck and went back to class.
Later that day, I talked to Gabby about how pissed I was at Jessica and what she did was super uncalled for. Then she started looking a little uncomfortable and I asked her if she knew what happened. She fessed up that SHE found the joke funny, but Jessica didn’t. So Jessica showed the texts to her mom. Who showed it to Gabby’s dad. Who then proceeded to call the principal, and was told that they can’t do anything since it didn’t take place on campus, which resulted in calling the POLICE. I was shocked and Gabby apologized profusely about her dad but I still blamed Jessica.
The day ended with me going home and my mom questioning why she got a call from the principal. Feeling guilty as hell, I told her everything that happened, and she sternly asked what picture I sent in the first place to cause all this. I gave her my phone to show her, fully expecting her to ground me and yell at me for being disrespectful. Looking at my phone, her expression turned from anger, to realization, to amusement. A few seconds later, she started laughing really hard and gave me my phone back. She said the police was enough punishment for me and ever since then, I learned to be more careful about who I’m joking with and what it’s about. But on the other hand, Rosen and I have been dating for 5 years now.
TLDR: Sent a picture of a Jesus dildo to a group chat full of super-Christians. Got the police called on me and lost a few friends.
submitted by amit0k to tifu [link] [comments]

Sometimes it sucks being a DM

Hey all, need to vent a little. This happened 10 minutes ago and it's fresh.
Today was the last session of the first Arc of our homebrew campaign which I DM. I don't even have to describe how much work I put into this Arc, I'm sure every DM out there can relate. 3 of my 4 players are new to DND so I made extra efforts to try to keep this cool and entertaining for them. I made quests and items just for their characters and, obviously, have tied everything for the BBEG.
During session 0, we all agreed to play bi-weekly on Sundays. The same two players (dating), are either never on time, or need to postpone the session 'cause, why of course, reasons. They either doublebook activities, got something better to do, are too tired or don't feel like it.
They skip, intentionally, many interactions, including the very world around them. By doing so, they were missing almost every hook I put in place for them. Of course, some of these hooks HAVE to happen, since they are tied to BBEG. These, the most important ones, I've had to somehow shape so that I could being up these clues during the final session. (Btw, because they aren't asking ANY questions or interacting with the world, and playing like bots who are just waiting for a point A to point B quest, they saw this as me trying to railroad them. When, in reality, it was me trying to give them the basic information they needed in order to move the story forward. Though, when you don't do SHIT with what I'm describing, I don't really have a choice but to reaaaallly dumb it down and give it to you on a silver platter if you're not getting the point)
Anyways, comes today. I've been preparing the entire campaign for this moment and have been researching for the best soundtracks and descriptive for what was going to happen. There was one 'fake boss' (which I wanted them to believe was the BBEG) plot twist, there's something even darker in the background *ASTONISHED GASP\* The fight goes well, as expected.
The player: '' Allright it looks like a good place to stop we're done :) ''
Me: '' No... There are more things to be done and this is probably the most important part. I was expecting this session to be the last before I can start working on part 2 and I would very much appreciate if we could finish this tonight ''
I see both of these players disengage, one turns off his cam, the other turns zombie, emotionless and straight up stop caring. In fact, when the real action started, she just snapped snarky comments that really made no sense, even for her ''bitchy character''. Stopped paying attention, completely. Given that she did a typical '' I loot everything for myself fuck you guys'' on an item that was meant for this specific boss, I was hoping that she would still engage, or at the very least stay for the entire session. HA. MAN WAS I WRONG.
During my final monologue, bearing with their lack of engagement, while building up the tension leading to the next arc... SHE FUCKING DISCONNECTS. SHE LEFT THE GAME. She wrote in chat '' (Guys Name) will fill me in with what I missed :) '' I'm not even kidding, the dared smiley face.
Many wrong things here. Total disrespect towards me and all the work I've put in for all of us, and more importantly, towards the two other players who genuinely loved where this was going. I hate that I worked towards having a spotlight for them as part of the ending for this arc. I bent so many times trying to accommodate them and their lack of assiduity and engagement. But this was just a new low.
The two other players stayed a bit after they both left and apologised for their behaviour. I have already told them that I want to have a talk with them soon and to PLEASE pick a date that fits with both their schedule.
I feel disrespected, this genuinely ruined the fun of DND for me. I think I have DND blue balls now.
EDIT: With retrospect, I can see why these players felt railroaded. The few things that I had put in place for their respective background were all hidden (to my mistake). So when they skipped them, I felt like I had to bring them back to the track so they can discover them. Maybe it was a mistake on my end do to this and should have accepted that they missed it and find a way to bring them back later.
In terms of story, my goal for the first ARC was for the characters to bond and learn to work together as a group so I didn't have much expectations regarding the outcome of the Fake Boss ending. What I meant by 'HAD' to happen, were the clues I left in place for the 'real' boss. Aka, the creature that they simply can't defeat at the current moment but who will stalk and track them throughout the campaign to try to kill them. This 'real boss' is meant to be a threat to the party and introduce the ultimate BBEG.
The 300h of prep time aren't just me logging in a few hours before the session to get ready. They include rule reading (or re-reading), youtube videos and podcasts, actual work for the campaign like character development, political intrigue, monster creation and research, brainstorming, etc. I mention the soundtracks simply because I wanted them to feel a certain way during the final scene. Otherwise I just go for the TES and other soundtracks, I don't waste too much of my time on this.
Outside of DND, we all know each other. As stated in my original post, I definitely plan on having an open-heart conversation with them soon to go over the campaign. I plan on taking this feedback and criticism to improve as I know I have my flaws as well. In my perspective, this is not MY story, it's OUR story. Despite the fact that I do put more work into this than them, and that it's my world, it's still a collective story. Before dropping the ban hammer, I owe it to myself and to them to talk and try to fix things. If it still doesn't work, or if they simply don't feel like playing anymore, so be it. But not before.
Edit 2: I wasn't expecting my post to receive so much attention, i'll try to respond to the majority of the comments as edits given the sheer volume of them. Thank you for your support, you're all wonderful people :)
submitted by TheGoldenDeerUtopia to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

[Geopolitical Roleplaying] How a Gamemaster's ruling was the tipping point leading to a revolution, hacking, doxxing and a definitive split in a community

So, this is about a very specific hobby, and to be precise about a single community of, at the time, about 50 people practicing that hobby. Very long post, TLDR at the end.
Roleplaying forum are nothing new. If anything, they were, and in some communities still are, ubiquitous in certain fan communities or people with certain interests. Among these roleplaying forums, a subcategory is often labelled as "micronation" forums, in which players play around with either one fictional country in which they make characters live, evolve and change the world around them, or several countries, where most often one player plays as one country, detailing its life, its news, its culture and relations with other player-led countries... One of the largest communities of this kind is the famous NationStates, an English-language political simulator online since 2002. It was during NationStates' infancy that our story begins, as a group of a dozen French-speaking players band together to create a forum to roleplay their countries in French and in more depth. This is the first iteration, dubbed V0 for Version 0, of the forum this post is about. A few years later, tired of NationStates, these same players create the V1 around 2008, in which their countries are no longer tied to NationStates, creating in essence their own geopolitical roleplaying game. A few months later, V1 disappears in favor of V2, which lasts a year before V3, each iteration leading to a reboot of the world with a new map, new mechanics...
V3 saw the first massive boost in popularity for the forum: V0, 1 and 2 numbered about 15 active players at most, while V3 often rose to have more than 40 active players at the same time. From June 2009 to August 2016, players saw the world of V3. During this time, Game Masters (which were, at the same time, players), often rotated on a basis that a retiring Game Master would choose their replacement from a secret list of applicants. The Coordinator GM, highest ranking among the GMs, had authority over most of the game, and some of these "Coord GM" still remain famous, years later, for having defined an era of the game over several years.
In 2016, the game was becoming bloated: players who had been there since 2009 were just too powerful, and their inertia alone made them unavoidable in the game. A new player would have to slog through more than a hundred thousand posts to understand the world's history and current geopolitical climate. The game was becoming stale. A few players would then convene in secret, and present, in August of 2016, a plan to create a V4 of the game. The community was divided: most of them loved the V3, and were apprehensive at the prospect of starting from scratch. Over the next few months, however, most players switched to the V4, while some left the community for a lack of inspiration and will to continue playing.
Overall, the V4 thrived just as well, if not better, as the V3 had. The community got a discord and got to know eachother closer, and the game was incredibly dynamic. However, there was one change that would spell the end of the V4, which was not apparent at the very beginning: the large and rotating team of GMs had been replaced with just 3 GMs (Coordinator and 2 Assistants), as well as a "Technology GM" which did not have the same authority as the previous 3. One of the assistants left the game for lack of time, and the Coordinator and Assistant GMs were thus the "rulers" of the game, clinging to their post. These two were the two main founders of the V4.
Rifts in the community
It is there, during the V4, that our drama really starts. See, a community with such a long history and such a specific premise attracted atypical characters. These people, some of them playing since V0 or V1, had grown to like, or sometimes hate, eachother. The Coordinating GM especially hated to veteran players who disliked him in return (we'll call them V and J), believing them to want to oust him and install themselves as GM, while the assistant GM was friendly towards a group of about 4 players who were seen as incredibly toxic people, mainly due to their GM-sponsored harrassment of an autistic player and another player who was muslim, as well as generally unpleasantness associated with their alt-right beliefs. Tensions were running high in the community and verbal clashes were frequent. It all, finally, came to a head in February 2020, about a year, day for day, before this post.
The Cerulean War, the Dranavian War, and the spark of the Revolution
At that time, the forum's world was ablaze: in Cerulea (the equivalent of the Mediterranean), the Coordinator GM's country was under attack from a coalition of countries. To it's south lied Dranavia, a "Secondary Nation" (a type of country you could play, and annex to your main nation, if you were active enough). In the middle of the Arabian world, Dranavia was a Polish crusader kingdom, bent on genociding its muslim population. It was also played by one of the alt-right players mentioned above. Netsled between two of the most powerful (muslim) countries on the map, Dranavia was however subject to invasion, both because not doing so would have been incoherent with the invader's ideology, and because shitting on the alt-righters was seen as an extremely fun pastime.
However, both those wars would prove disastrous to the community: the Coordinator GM, against all forum traditions, insisted on being the arbiter on the Cerulean War in which he was under attack, overtly buffing his own country and openly warning of GM power abuse if the opposing players even so much as ordered their soldiers to set a foot in his country.
Meanwhile, in Dranavia, despite his incredible military, the alt-righter got cold feet at the idea of open, total war and contacted the GMs for help, to help him find a solution in gameplay terms. Thankfully for him, the invading players included V (one of the players hated by the Coordinator) and players who, out of game and in game, were very friendly to said V. On February 2, 2020, the Coordinator made a ruling: Dranavia would cease to exist, the invasion was cancelled, as the player of Dranavia did not wish to pursue this story anymore. For his trouble, he would get an advanced technology in compensation. The invaders would get nothing, not even their military losses refunded.
The 02/02/2020 Revolution and the subsequent week
On 02/02/2020, at about 9 to 10 PM Paris time, all hell broke lose on the discord: players were outraged at the GM's decision, which rewarded cowardice and retconning the story, while not even bothering to offer a consolation prize to the invaders. At first, the discussion was heated but normal: people were passionately defending their positions and their friends, on either side. But the Coordinator GM's insistence on his ruling being final wore two people's patience thin. One of them was one of his country's invaders in the Cerulean war (and already tired of his bullshit), the other was one of his friends. Though inventive use of expletives, they, in no uncertain terms, told the GM to, essentially, go fuck himself repeatedly. For this, they both received a 3-month ban from the forum, which was an unusual punishment: forum and discord rules were, up to this point, separate and aside from a permanent ban, sanctions were separate as well. The two discord mods refused to enforce the ban on discord in protest.
That evening, several players formed a private chat to discuss what they saw as a blatant injustice. Soon, the number of angry players grew too large for a private chat, and a second discord was created. There, the ambers of revolt were lit: players emphatically compared themselves to famous French revolutionaries, while writing a communiqué to the GMs, detailing their demands, both in terms of in-game happenings (continuation of the Dranavian War, unbanning of the two banned players) and in mechanical terms (nomination of two new GMs, more transparency in GM decisions, community feedback on rulings).
It just so happened that on February 3rd, the forum was down for maintenance from Midnight to 9 PM, and seeing the onslaught of hate on the Discord, the Discord mods (one of them on the side of the revolutionaries, the other as of then not in the know of the revolution) decided to mute everyone for the same duration, in order to cool spirits. When the forum reopened at 9 PM, the GM was expecting an onslaught of posts from players who could not write in the morning and were ready to post in the evening. Instead, he was greeted by an empty forum and empty discord, as the revolutionaries, who by that point numbered about 75% of the community, pledged to not post for 24 full hours, be it on the forum or the discord. For 24 hours, the few non-revolutionaries wondered what was happening, while "neutral" players were converted to the side of revolutionaries, especially when a series of homophobic slurs from the Assistant GM written in a convo with a few players, directed at the openly gay Tech GM (who was and still is a beloved member of the community) were unveiled, getting him and several "on the fence" players on the revolutionary side.
All the while, a revolutionary had created the "safekeeping forum", in which players relentlessly imported their posts in fear of deletion, an idea that would prove useful in the near future.
On February 4th, 2020, at precisely 7 PM, the forum finally lit up with activity: in their countrie's respective sections, the ~30 revolutionaries posted, simultaneously, the communiqué signed by all of them, with their list of demands which had to be integrally met, and a boycott of the forum until then. Simultaneously, the communiqué was posted on Discord. Very quickly, a few other players joined, bringing the revolutionaries to about 45 out of 50 players, give or take a few. Essentially, the non-revolutionaries were the Coordinating GM, the Assistant GM, the "Incognito GM", who was essentially a glorified arbiter of war, and the 4 alt-righters.
The first response to the communiqué was simple: a "debunking" of it, refuting its claims and making a counter-offer: instead of reforms and fairness, the Assistant GM offered to refund the military losses in the Dranavian War, a laughably small compensation. Negotiations were open, and promptly broke down. The forum owner, an even-minded guy but distant from the community, sided with the GMs. Then, the unthinkable happened: the GMs made a list of sanctions. About 25 revolutionaries were not punished. A few more active ones received warnings. The most active or virulent ones received bans of 1, 3 or 9 months. Finally, J, one of the two players hated by the Coordinator (who, mind you, was not playing anymore, was not a revolutionary and did not even know about this drama) was banned for life, the second such ban to be handed out in the forum's history, for allegedly being the mastermind behind the revolution. At that point, the rift was too deep to ever heal, and this is where the safekeeping forum of the revolutionaries came in handy.
The Great Migration
At that point, any hope of a return to normalcy was dashed: the GMs had sided against the majority of the players, and they did not want to play on their forum anymore. This is when it was decided to transform the safekeeping forum into a new geopolitical RP forum, keeping the same name and merely changing the top-level domain name, going from to (.com was already taken by a former iteration of the forum abandoned because of admin neglect, a purely technical issue). Players began frantically rapatriating every single post they could on the new forum as fast as possible, while brainstorming a new "constitution" for their forum. By February 6th, all 22 000 and such posts that needed to be migrated were migrated, and after voting on their new constitution, the "revolutionaries" elected their first seven democratically elected GMs, who receive now a vote of confidence every 6 months. The game began again on February 10, and with a change of map (but not a hard reset on the world's history), mechanics and GMs, it was dubbed the V5, which today is still the current version.
Geopolitical RP: Civil War
Only a few days later, the GMs of the old site learned of the existence of the new one, and all bridges were definitely burned. 40 players on one side and 7 on the other, with the Assistant GM leaving the game for good in disgust, many predicted a swift end to the old forum. It would take months to do so.
At first, the main problem of the revolutionaries was referencing: due to its age and mass of content, the old forum was first on google, and remained so despite the revolutionaries' best efforts. So, while trying to improve their referencing, they poached new players from the .net, at first sending them DMs, then, after getting banned, creating a fake player identity to, once again, send DMs, a tactic to which the Incognito GM (who we'll call S from then on), who essentially became the forum's leader after the Assistant's departure and the Coordinator's loss of motivation, responded by forbidding DMs. Several other tactics were employed (including emailing, contacting players via Steam...) until the Day of the Backdoor.
The Day of the Backdoor
That day began innocently enough: in Summer 2020, the "revolutionaries", who by now had settled into their V5 and were happily playing, thought about trying to recruit former players who stopped playing. Thankfully, one of them had access to the former GM email adress, from which an email could be sent to former players to invite them back. Then, the unthinkable happened.
Players realised that this email adress, which they thought was not in use, was still the adress linked to the coordinator GM's account. They could change his password and therefore have admin (but not founder) access to the old forum, which they essentially used to vandalize the old forum and recruit a few players who saw a banner inviting them on the new one. After a few hours, the old forum's owner got everything back to normal, but did not correct the backdoor.
Only a couple days later, a sneak operation was set: using the same backdoor, revolutionaries modified links in the "how to play" section of the old forum to redirect to a secret topic of their own forum, explaining the rift, the revolution and the existence of two forums. This tactic permitted the recruitment of four new players (of which one was likely to be S in disguise seeing the wave of new players, in hindsight).
This all worked great until, in late August, the backdoor and hyperlinks were finally discovered and corrected. Most people thought that would be the end of it, until a few days later.
The three doxxings, and the end of the old forum
A few days after the backdoor was closed, the first doxxing began: a long-time player, absent for years from the forum but sympathetic to the revolutionaries, joined them. That same day, S wrote a scathing post on the old forum, in which he talked about a fictional character, a philosopher, emigrating from his country to S's country. This character had heavy inspiration in both the academic background and naming, to the returning player. However, many did not take notice and only took it as low-grade trolling.
A few days later, S upped the ante: once again writing about a migrant to his country, he this time attacked another player, mocking characteristics that he had never publicly disclosed (such as his studies domain) and using a real, albeit blurred, picture of said player. The reaction was swift: accused of doxxing, S retracted the picture and altered the names, all the while claiming fortuitous coincidence and denying ill will. A week later, a final doxxing targeted another revolutionary: mocking his looks, his studies and his weeb tendencies, the post generated once again small outrage, to the point where V contacted the Coordinator GM of the old forum, asking him to do something because legal action could be threatened against the forum, its GM/Moderators, and its owners. Finally, in early September 2020, the owner, fed up with half a year of bullshit, closed the forum without notice. S and a few of the alt-righters migrated on their own forum, and by now have their own, rather thriving, community separate from the old one or the Revolutionaries, who on February 10th, will celebrate the first birthday of the V5.
TL;DR: A GM's ruling in a geopolitical RP forum caused tensions in the community to explode, revealing a rift which caused a concurrent forum to emerge formed by disgruntled members. Backdooring of the former forum happens, which is responded by doxxing "revolutionaries". Old forum closes after legal action is threatened.
submitted by Pasglop to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]


Alright, listen up you college-addicted sophomores and juniors. I’m going to tell y’all what I think everyone needs to know before starting this college application process
  1. APPLY EA!!!! Literally, I cannot stress enough how important this is. Unless you’re applying REA to Harvard (which don’t waste your EA on Harvard if you are severely underqualifed and didn’t donate a building/are an athlete) or Princeton or Yale or whatever, apply EA. UChicago has EA, and so do a ton of match/safeties (northeastern, UNC at Chapel Hill (a reach if you’re oos), UVA, UW Madison, UVA, Georgia Tech, Fordham, Chapman, Rutgers, UMass Amherst, etc). I did this and got into a lot of schools EA, and now I feel super relaxed about RD (I already got into a reach, a few targets, and a few safeties) edit: don’t apply EA to amazing schools if your app is going to be better RD.
  2. You do not need more than like 3-4 safeties
    1. No school with less than a 40% acceptance rate is ever fully a safety. If you’re massively overqualified, they can still yield reject you.
  3. I don’t care how rich you think you are literally filing the FAFSA it’s free money and do the CSS too. Schools might actually be more generous with merit aid if they see you indicated you are applying for financial aid. Need blind is kind of a lie, when evaluating your app, they can see whether or not you’re applying for aid.
  4. I don’t care what college confidential said, demonstrated interest almost always is taken into consideration. Every email you send will be attached to your file, do what you will with that info. Actually no, don’t “do what you will”, show demonstrated interest. Go to virtual events, contact AO, follow on Instagram, if your AO knows your name, that will help you.
  5. State schools are amazing literally consider them, please
  6. Download apps like zeeMee and join group chats so you’re aware of what is going on.
  7. If you get DEFERRED, WRITE A LETTER OF CONTINUED INTEREST!!!!!! I’m sure a2c has info on how to do that somewhere
  8. Be smart about recycling your essays, make sure you don’t ever address the school by the wrong name.
  9. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW ALL DEADLINES FOR EVERYTHING!!! I created an amazing excel sheet that I programmed to change colors when the due dates for colleges came nearer so at a glance I always knew what I had to do. Deadlines include financial aid, recommendations, transcript release forms
  10. For interviews, watch dorm videos of the school beforehand. It’s so random, but it’ll let you see what life is actually like and better describe it to the interviewer. Learn about the traditions at the school, alumni love love love it when you ask them about traditions and their time there. If they reminisce about their time at school while interviewing you, they’ll have a positive association with your name
  11. Be fun in your essays. Your AOs are literally in their late twenties/early thirties, keep them engaged.
  12. Please don’t talk about an extra-curricular or sports injury in your common app essay, elaborate on it in additional info if you think it’s really important, but this is your one shot to show them you are a cool human.
  13. Make sure the email associated with your common app and colleges use to contact you is professional
  14. Bs will not kill you, don't worry.
  15. Don't apply ED unless you are totally sure, people change, what you want in a school in October of your senior year may not reflect what you'll want later on, give yourself the ability to make choices.
  16. You can appeal financial aid decisions.
Now here are some thoughts I want to share:
It’s not all about stats, seriously. People with much better stats than me were deferred from the same schools that accepted me EA. Once you pass a certain point, most schools see you as academically prepared for their school and will start to look at everything else. I would say once you reach around 1500 on SAT or 33 on ACT, and a 3.8ish UW GPA, you’re in the clear academically (not to say that less than this is not amazing).
At this point, you need to start thinking about the story you want to tell. Are you the girl who loves nature and animals and is kind and caring? Are you the city boy who has a love for volunteering? What’s your story? Design a story, and execute it flawlessly.

I’m 100% forgetting some random important things so I’ll comment them later, but if anyone has any advice they want to add, comment it.
submitted by SnooLemons5080 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

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CHATS #1 - YouTube

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